
Just Say “Yes”

There is a critical strategy when reaching out to new people. Are you implementing it? If you are trying to reach out to new people and grow your professional network and failing to get responses, read on. Why Is This Concept Important? This is the difference between being blown off and actually starting to interactRead… Read more »

Reasons to Consider Agile Work

Notes from PS Engage 5 minute talk on Agile Lean Startup, Strum – all types of agile work Teams that are self-organizing, incrementing, and delivering on short feedback loops Get results quicker – take big deliverables and break them down. Fail fast, fail often – if delivering in 2-3 weeks, if fail much smaller dealRead… Read more »

Vision for health insurance exchange design gets a little clearer

Deltek Analyst Amanda White reports. The inaugural Health Insurance Exchange Congress conference, hosted by the Institute for International Research (IIR) USA on November 9-11, 2011 offered considerable insight on the roles and functionality insurance exchange systems should provide to consumers. Anita Murcko, MD, and partner with Cambiare, LLC, identified three fundamental components of exchanges: aRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Peace Corps Now More Protected Against Sexual Assault

An article in the Washington Post reported yesterday that Obama signed the Kate Puzey Volunteer Protection Act of 2011, which protects Peace Corps volunteers who report wrongdoings, requires volunteers to go through a more rigorous training on sexual assault, and improves advocacy for sexual assault victims. This legislation resulted from a public campaign in memoryRead… Read more »

Storytelling in Government….

Lessons from Alan Silberberg’s presentation on “Storytelling” Tell your story-simple -quickly -know your audience How to get to Yes -Don’t take no for an answer -Tell the story so you get buy in -Use examples from outside your group -Tie to real world examples/case studies So much information – choose the data points that supportRead… Read more »