
Redistricting Tools

Of late, a number of tools are popping up on-line to allow the average constituent redistrict their city/county, etc. While the one for Los Angeles has been available since May (facilitating a crowd-sourced effort), New York has recently made theirs available. The interesting twist on the New York release is that it is based uponRead… Read more »

Fort Wayne bidding process met with controversy

Deltek Analyst Joanna Salini reports. Proposals were received from several agencies in response to Fort Wayne, Indiana’s solicitation for a new emergency communications system for its police, fire, and paramedics agencies. After the bidding process was complete, Motorola was found to have submitted the only complete bid for the system. The city of Fort WayneRead… Read more »

CityCamp MN Hot Topic: It’s all about social media

A couple weeks ago, I attended the first Minnesota CityCamp, hosted by e-democracy.org and the Public and Non-Profit Leadership Center at the Humphrey School (University of Minnesota). With more than 150 attendees, this unconference’s theme – “Community 2.0” – was clearly one that spoke to people. Though the unconference was held in Minneapolis, some participantsRead… Read more »

Sustainability Networking with Wizness

Are you looking for a way to connect with other sustainability professionals to share ideas and best practices or discuss possible goals for your organization? Do you want to discover, collaborate, exchange and communicate on a regular basis about sustainability? If so, then you might check out Wizness. Wizness is, according to the organization, “theRead… Read more »

Google launches Google+ guide for politics and government

View original post. Hot on the heels of launching Google+ Pages on November 7, Google has released a “how-to” guide for G+ aimed at increasing use of the new social platform by those in politics and government. The “Google+ for Politics” page is part of a series of guides targeting segments like Celebrities, Media, Non-Profits,Read… Read more »

GovBytes: What do Snoop Dogg and the West Virginia Chief Information Security Officer Have in Common?

According to an article in GovTech, they are both rappers. After West Virginia’s Office of Security and Controls won NASCIO’s 2011 recognition award for the “Risk Management Initiatives” category, West Virginia’s chief information security officer, Jim Richards III, submitted a video to NASCIO about the agency’s IT projects to be shown at the association’s awardsRead… Read more »