Social Tools Do Not A Process Make
I’ve often commented that tools don’t make the process. I think this issue has only been further compounded as the many options for tools have increased and continue to do so. To this end I feel like we’ve lost track of the mission: accomplishing the mission and supporting all of our customers. (Read=Boss, co-worker, actualRead… Read more »
Virtual Reality Past, Present, and Future: Part 1
Photo credit www.howstuffworks.com Virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds. This can vary from flight and other vehicle simulators, to video games, to immersion programs for training of military tactics, to medical and therapeuticRead… Read more »
Friday Fab Five: GovLoop Reaches 50,000 Members
Its Friday! The holidays are approaching and we have gotten our 50,000th member: Melanie Schoeppe an MPP student at the Goldman School for Public Policy at UC Berkeley. GO BEARS! To honor the event, Melanie is our Top Member this week. To read more from Mr. GovLoop, Steve Ressler, about this momentous occasion check outRead… Read more »
Public Sector Microtasking
Given our propensity for micromanagement I suspect many will look at the idea of micro-tasking with come skepticism, but I think the idea is worth exploring (as do others). A primer For the uninitiated, micro-tasking is simply the breaking-down of more complex tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. The most widely talked about micro-tasking serviceRead… Read more »
Utah to test wireless electric bus
The University of Utah will test an electric bus that recharges without plugs or wires thanks to a $2.7 million FTA TIGGER III grant. Original post
Friday’s political law links
WILEY REIN NEWSLETTER. The November 2011 Wiley Rein Election Law Newsletter is online here. TRIAL DATE FOR EDWARDS. Story here. “U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Eagles, sitting in Greensboro, N.C., scheduled jury selection to begin Jan. 30 and first evidence in the case to be presented Feb. 13, Politico reported Wednesday.” HOUSE ETHICS MOVES ONRead… Read more »
Microsoft Focuses Big Data Efforts on Hadoop
<script type=”text/javascript”> /* <![CDATA[ */ nRelate.domain = “ctovision.com”; /* */ nRelate.getNrelatePosts(“http://api.nrelate.com/rcw_wp/0.50.1/nr_load.php?tag=nrelate_related&keywords;=Microsoft+Focuses+Big+Data+Efforts+on+Hadoop&domain;=ctovision.com&url;=http%3A%2F%2Fctovision.com%2F2011%2F11%2Fmicrosoft-focuses-big-data-efforts-on-hadoop%2F&nr;_ad_number=0&nr;_div_number=1”); nRelate.fixHeight(“nrelate_related_1”);nRelate.adAnimation(“nrelate_related_1”);nRelate.tracking(“rc”); > Original post
Spotlight on American Education Week: statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDS) grant
Deltek Analysts Randi Powell and Joseph Lee report. The Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) Grant Program was established in 2005 under the U.S. Department of Education’s (USDOE) Institute of Education Sciences (IES) as a competitive cooperative agreement grant. The grant was intended to allow states to manage and analyze education data such as student records.Read… Read more »
FTA awards $112 million for innovative and clean-fuel projects
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced that 46 transit projects will share $112 million in grants from FTA’s sustainability initiative. Original post