
Microsoft Focuses Big Data Efforts on Hadoop

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Friday’s political law links

WILEY REIN NEWSLETTER. The November 2011 Wiley Rein Election Law Newsletter is online here. TRIAL DATE FOR EDWARDS. Story here. “U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Eagles, sitting in Greensboro, N.C., scheduled jury selection to begin Jan. 30 and first evidence in the case to be presented Feb. 13, Politico reported Wednesday.” HOUSE ETHICS MOVES ONRead… Read more »

Spotlight on American Education Week: statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDS) grant

Deltek Analysts Randi Powell and Joseph Lee report. The Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) Grant Program was established in 2005 under the U.S. Department of Education’s (USDOE) Institute of Education Sciences (IES) as a competitive cooperative agreement grant. The grant was intended to allow states to manage and analyze education data such as student records.Read… Read more »

Steer into the Fear

I’ve had a remarkable couple of weeks starting with DevLearn 2011. I’ve had the opportunity to dwell at length with my heroes in the eLearning community. The response from hundreds of attendees at DevLearn to the causes I’ve championed, namely the revolution needed in learning technologies, has been humbling and validating as it became clearRead… Read more »

California Demographic Profiles

The California State Library just launched a new online resource, – California Demographic Profiles: By Library Jurisdiction and County. It is a great tool to help facilitate a greater understanding of how California’s changing demographics can be used to inform decisions and services. Take a look!

Refine and Reuse Data with ScraperWiki

We know that developers will be looking to reuse open data for the OS Open Data and OS Open Space Challenge (not the only challenge, see here for the other one!) for ourcompetition event. So we asked @vacantimouse from ScraperWiki to describe what a tool that enables people to reuse and refine open data. ManyRead… Read more »