
Spotlight on American Education Week: grants in education

Deltek Analysts Emily Magurne and Erin Brady report. Grant funding for education initiatives is crucial to improving the U.S. academic system so students can get the most out of their education, and teachers can provide the best learning environment possible. Education-related grants that provide access to technology for students and faculty are incredibly important, asRead… Read more »

FYI-Suicide prevention

FYI: Included here are several prefatory paragraphs of an item posted online in NIMH science-news Nov 10, 2011 at: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/science-news/2011/widely-used-screening-tool-shown-to-successfully-predict-suicide-attempts.shtml#.TsPXQoUI8UU.gmail Title: Widely Used Screening Tool Shown to Successfully Predict Suicide AttemptsSource: NIMHA widely used suicide screening tool can help determine who is most at risk for suicide by pinpointing the threshold at which a person’sRead… Read more »

Apps for the Environment Winners Chosen

The EPA has announced the winners of the Apps for the Environment competition. The five winners are: Winner, Best Overall App: Light Bulb Finder by Adam Borut and Andrea Nylund of EcoHatchery, Milwaukee, Wis. Runner Up, Best Overall App: Hootroot by Matthew Kling of Brighter Planet, Shelburne, Vt. Winner, Best Student App: EarthFriend by AliRead… Read more »

United We Stand: Enriching the Lives of Our Wounded Veterans

The US Olympic Committee is a leader in the Paralympic sports movement and dedicated to assisting physically disabled Americans. While the USOC is widely known for competitive athletic programs, it is also dedicated to enriching the lives of wounded Veterans and encouraging them to live an active lifestyle. Deloitte, a partner of the USOC, recentlyRead… Read more »

The Business Of Collaboration

[Cross-posted from Communities and Collaboration blog] Some Background The last few years can be described as the age of social business and collaboration. The demands and expectations of today’s knowledge workers have been shaped by the plethora of social networks and social media tools. Communicating and sharing information has never been easier. Staying connected withRead… Read more »

The Blind Men and their Elephant 2.0

I’ve been meeting Business 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, Government 2.0, and in each case partisans explain that their particular function is driving the transformation. Business 2.0 is Finance! Enterprise 2.0 is Architecture! And Government 2.0 is Information Technology! came from a moneychanger, a sheetrocker, and some guy from a hobby shop. This 2.0 thing is aboutRead… Read more »

Bachmann, Cain Would Defy U.S. Law Prohibiting Torture

Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain support waterboarding, even though US law forbids it. Torture is illegal, no matter how many people say otherwise. Why is it that those who claim to love the Constitution eversomuch can’t be bothered to READ IT? Read More … http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/9153455/bachmann_cain_would_defy_us_law_prohibiting.html?cat=17