
Improving Efficiency

With budgets expected to be cut, it is more importan than ever that organizations look for efficiencies. Places to look include and group output, error rates which cause rework, the number of people on leave, (especially sick leave and LWOP), overtime, workers’ compensation, individual and union time. Also, how many people are on direct laborRead… Read more »

Maximizing Possibilities – CityCamp Experience

From amazing metaphors involving adorable puppies to reflections about how data can transform generalities into actions, I was fortunate to attend the first CityCamp held in Minneapolis, Minnesota on 11/12/2011. This un-conference is designed to be more of an open exchange of ideas than the traditional professional conference that most of us are use toRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – The market fights to retain uptrend

The major indices, and our TSP stock funds, were bouncing violently last week in reaction to the ongoing debt situation in Europe. The new catalyst seems to be the yield of Italy’s 10 year bond. As the yield approached and went above 7%, a level that meant bailouts to other troubled European countries, stocks aroundRead… Read more »

Note to CIOs: Your organization will never be 100% secure

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And The Winner Is…You!

We participated this week with seven other entrepreneurs in the 2011 Capital Management Technology Hub and George Mason’s School of Management Technology Startup Challenge to introduce our cloud-based community and supporting tools: MyLeadershipPractice. What a top notch event and great learning experience! Plenty of innovative solutions to specific needs were presented. The competition was anRead… Read more »

Wyner and Peters On Rule Extraction from Regulations

Dr. Adam Wyner of the University of Liverpool Department of Computer Science, and Dr. Wim Peters of the University of Sheffield Department of Computer Science, have posted their paper entitled On Rule Extraction from Regulations, to be presented at JURIX 2011: The 24th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, 14-16 December 2011, inRead… Read more »

Agency Profile: University of Tennessee – Chattanooga, Emergency Preparedness

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. The University of Tennessee – Chattanooga is known for being a large metropolitan college with a beautiful campus. It is not generally known for its emergency preparedness, but it should be. When most people think of campus safety and security, they think of the traditional blue-light alarm systems installed atRead… Read more »