
Recruitment 411: Serving Those Who Served

Today’s guest blogger is Jim Clifford, an executive with the IRS’s Wage and Investment division. He is the executive champion of the IRS Warrior Intern Program and the co-founder of the IRS Military Outreach for Service. As Veterans Day approaches, I begin to reflect more seriously on the question of how to repay a debtRead… Read more »

Veterans Day 2011

 Because all of us believe and understand in the fabric of the common bond of why we call ourselves American is to care for the men and women who wear the uniform; and when they take off the uniform, we care for them when they are veterans. Steve Buyer The veterans of our militaryRead… Read more »

Twitter Chat on Open Data and Open 311

There’s still time to sign up for the Kent Connects Developing Solutions Camp on 25 November in Gravesend and help design or develop prototypes for selected ideas. Find out how to get involved & register for the event here. Kent Connects competition aims to stimulate collaboration between public services, entrepreneurs and communities to develop innovativeRead… Read more »

What’s a SuperCommittee and Why Should I Care?

The SuperCommittee’s task is to create a plan to reduce the deficit by Nov. 23. Without SERIOUS public pressure, we’ll get more tax cuts for millionaires, higher taxes on real people, and cuts in services that we all depend on. We need to make some noise. Read More … http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/9135871/whats_a_supercommittee_and_why_should.html?cat=3

How to Choose Your Next Environmentally-Friendly Car

If you’ve ever wanted an easy way to compare vehicles based on fuel usage, CO2 emissions and cost of use, then the DOE has the tool you’ve been waiting for. You tell them what cars to compare and how you drive, and they’ll give you the information you need to make an educated, environmentally-friendly decision.Read… Read more »