
Updates on Dronegate

Since I wrote my fist post on the virus affecting the drone fleet at Creech Air Force base, information has begun to trickle in and some interesting commentary has emerged. The Air Force has followed their official press release stating that the virus, which they say was a credential stealer, was merely a nuisance withRead… Read more »

Recovering from the Recovery Act, Part 2

President Obama put Vice President Biden in charge of the implementation of the $787 billion Recovery Act. Ed DeSeve had an eagle eye’s view of the interaction between agencies, states, localities, and non-profits. He shares his lessons learned from Recovery Act implementation, as well as advice for “the next big implementation challenge,” whatever that mightRead… Read more »

Strong Solar Job Growth in ’10-’11

The 2011 Solar Jobs Census, recently released by The Solar Foundation, has found that solar energy provided a bright spot in the job market between 8/10 and 8/11, a time when the overall number of jobs increased only slightly. Visit CEILeadership.org and The Solar Foundation for more information. Original post

Political law links for Wed., Oct. 26th

LAWSUIT OVER ELECTION LOSS? Peter Roff writes here. “When voters in Ohio’s 1st Congressional District threw Democrat Steve Driehaus out of office after only one term, he did not bow out gracefully. No, he decided to get even. So he did what anyone does in today’s culture: he sued somebody.” CONTRIBUTIONS FROM DONORS’ CHILDREN. StoryRead… Read more »

If You Could Pick One Thing For Congress To Do Regarding CyberSecurity, What Would It Be?

A friend who is a former Representative and a respected advisor of many senior politicians recently asked me for some thoughts on cyber legislation. In general, people ask my thoughts because of time I’ve spent working strategic cyber issues in the Cyber Conflict Studies Association (CCSA) or because of my history at DoD’s Joint TaskRead… Read more »

Where do you think Social Government should go ?

In many ways, Government is as skilled or even leading private industry in applying social technologies to transform itself. Government already makes heavy use of social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook to communicate with constituents and is pushing into new spaces with efforts to better communicate during emergencies or to facilitate reporting ofRead… Read more »

weddings at City Hall

by Carla Hansen, SF2012 I have the privilege of working for the Department of Public Works within San Francisco City Hall. I’m two months into my Fellowship and every morning this building still takes my coffee breath away. The innovative, socially-responsible policy made here and the beauty of a building built in 1915 is, ofRead… Read more »