
Diary of a Frustrated Young Professional- Letting Somebody Go

Dear all knowing Internet, I know its been a long time since I have last called upon your all knowing goodness, but this time I am extremely frustrated. In New York State, the public employee union I belong to rejected our new contract. As a result, many young professionals including myself have been notified thatRead… Read more »

FTA awards grants to more than 300 projects

The Federal Transit Administration awarded $928.5 million in grants to more than 300 projects through its Alternatives Analysis, Bus Livability, and State of Good Repair programs. Projects include the following: Orange County Transportation Authority (CA) will install 100 solar lights at selected bus stops to improve safety, security, and accessibility. Springfield Mass Transit District (IL)Read… Read more »

24 hours

In conclusion in the interim: there is absolutely no point in worrying about what might or might not be. I might be out of a job at some point in the next 12 months. I might not. Some of the fear and insecurity is being generated by an unfortunate mix of incredible stress at homeRead… Read more »

How Governments Use Social Media for Disaster Planning, Response, and Recovery

The Federation of American Scientists recently posted on its Web site a CRS report, “Social Media and Disasters: Current Uses, Future Options, and Policy Considerations,” by Bruce R. Lindsay. The report argues that social media may be used in a “systematic” way as “an emergency management tool. Systematic usage might include: “using the medium toRead… Read more »

SEPTA warns fakers: We’re watching you

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority has joined forces with the Philadelphia district attorney to crack down on passengers who fake injuries. Almost half of the system’s buses are equipped with 8-10 digital cameras and every rail car on the Broad Street and Market-Frankford lines has 10-12 cameras. “They rack up these incredible medical bills,” saidRead… Read more »

The value of downtime

I’ve had a really exciting weekend. I had a new friend, David Hammond, come over for a brainstorming session. We initially met as part of a new venture we’ve both involved in. Saturday we started discussing how we were going to build a company from scratch. He’s taken on the role of COO for aRead… Read more »

homeless and hungry

by Jessica Cassella, San Francisco Fellow 2012 This post was written in conjunction with Blog Action Day 2011. This year’s theme is food. When you are homeless, food is both a blessing and a curse. During my Junior year of college, I spent my spring break on a homeless immersion experience in San Jose, California.Read… Read more »