
Texting donations in CA update and other political law links

CA APPROVES TEXT DONATIONS. Politico. “California became the first state Thursday to allow people to make political campaign contributions via text messages.” The FPPC staff memo is here. The proposed regulation is here. GETTING SUPER PAC ADS ON THE AIR (AND KEEPING THEM THERE). Here’s an interesting legal memo from Michael Berg for interested partiesRead… Read more »

Risk Happens

Guest post by Mike Clayton Why Every Project Manager needs to Understand Risk Project management is a discipline born from necessity. If projects were not so challenging, we wouldn’t need a separate toolkit and processes. But we do need them, because when we try to create change under constraints like schedule, performance and budget, weRead… Read more »

The Day I Shook President Obama’s Hand

Early this morning I shook Justin Bieber’s President Obama’s hand. Haha – that one’s for you birthday-GovLoop-Steve! On a serious note, this morning I had the amazing honor and good fortune to walk onto the White House South Lawn alongside my wonderful, bad-ass friend Heather Coleman. The event was a state visit by the RepublicRead… Read more »

Yesterday’s Security Doesn’t Work for Today’s Threats

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Why Innovators Should be Paying Attention to Prizes

Innovators—including government innovators—should be paying attention to prizes because they work, because they add another tool to their innovation tool belt, and because they are already being used by a typical late adopter—the government. I’ve been a student of prizes and competitions in government for several years now—there is always something to learn: a newRead… Read more »

Rhode Island asks for more HCR funding

Rhode Island is applying for a second round of funding to further work on the state Health Benefit Exchange. The application asks for $74.5 million in additional funds for the exchange. Rhode Island is one of several states working to comply with new requirements outlined in federal health care reform legislation. The state expects thatRead… Read more »

RTC launches website for visitors

The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada launched a new website to make it easier for Las Vegas visitors to choose transit. Ridethestrip.com focuses on transit options serving McCarran Airport, Las Vegas Boulevard, and downtown Las Vegas and allows users to purchase a three-day transit pass in advance of their visit. “The launch of ridethestrip.comRead… Read more »