

One advantage of posting to the internet is the huge audience. Somebody seems to find value in most anything. What you post is how you are experienced, your electronic personality. A second advantage is the ability to comment, to add to the discussion. Commenting is a developed skill, a habit. You get better the moreRead… Read more »

Social Media Strategies: Five Great Examples of Social Media, RSVP 10/19

Please join us at GovDelivery’s event on Wednesday, October 19th, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions. As we get closer to GovDelivery’s event next week, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions, here a five strategies from my favorite social networks and some cool examples from Federal agencies. FourSquare/Location Based FourSquare takes a lotRead… Read more »

A New Car Sharing Model

Do you have a car? Do you want it to make money for you, and help the environment at the same time? If so, a new car sharing model may be for you. General Motors and RelayRides are joining together to create a new car sharing system that allows car owners to make their vehiclesRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: What Do Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley, and George Patton Have In Common?

Answer: All of them served in the US military, and their records will be on view in the new National Archives branch, the National Personnel Records Center, on Saturday in St. Louis. The new museum contains over 100 million military and civilian personnel records. The building has state of the art preservation facilities, and visitorsRead… Read more »

PA Times: Crowdsourced Ideas Make Participating in Government Cool Again

The PA Times, published by the American Society of Public Administration, has just issued a special edition called “From Bureaucratic to Cool: A Call for Public Service”. My article on “Crowdsourced Ideas Make Participating in Government Cool Again” describes how government agencies on all levels are turning to Open Innovation platforms to collect the wisdomRead… Read more »

Are You Meeting the Small Business Goals? Analysis from BGov

*****Want to learn more about Bloomberg Government and how to use its acquisition and spending research? Join us on 10/27 for our free See. Do. Learn event – RSVP at http://seedolearnbgov.eventbrite.com/**** In government procurement, there is an emphasis on ensuring a variety of certain types of business have a chance to compete for procurement dollars.Read… Read more »

Eight Humor Styles in Action: Building Stress Resiliency with Interactive Humor – Part I & II

After my essay on the 9/11 Anniversary, I decided to make room for my basic Yin-Yang nature: here is an article on eight styles of humor. (The 9/11 essay, “Ten Years After: A Personal Remembrance of Sep 11th – Strategies for Grieving, Surviving and Evolving: (http://www-stressdoc-com.blogspot.com/2011/09/ten-years-after-personal-remembrance-of.html). The early-mid 20th century pioneering film-maker, artist and comedienne,Read… Read more »

California passes DREAM act

Illegal immigrants will be able to apply for state money to attend American universities in California thanks to a new law signed by California Governor Jerry Brown. Under the terms of the law, illegal immigrants who have attended school in California will be eligible to apply for Cal-Grant aid to continue their educations. Last yearRead… Read more »