Occupy the Law
THIS —-> MT @emasters And we do need a digital public law library. Unencumbered access to legal materials is necessary. #OccupyTheLaw?
THIS —-> MT @emasters And we do need a digital public law library. Unencumbered access to legal materials is necessary. #OccupyTheLaw?
Every opportunity to learn about amazing charities in the DC Metro area (or anywhere) is worthwhile! It’s uplifting to hear the great stories on why the charity exists and how it was carried to fruition. Like many people, there is something you are passionate about — but have you followed through with that passion toRead… Read more »
In a previous post I described how we’re supporting people to come up with ideas for ourcompetition through an interactive game. We’ve been working with Turner Contemporary’s Blank Canvas group who “bring younger (aged 13 – 25) and older (over 60) people together, to help them to explore similarities and differences and to interact withRead… Read more »
The missions and data of governments make the government sector one of particular importance for Big Data solutions. The government has special abilities to focus research in areas like Health Sciences, Economics, Law Enforcement, Defense, Geographic Studies, Environmental Studies, Bioinformatics, and Computer Security. Government-Industry teams are working to field Big Data solutions in all theseRead… Read more »
At this time , millions of tributes, obituaries and status updates are flooding the internet in remembrance of a true visionary. I did not know Steve Jobs personally, but I did follow his endeavors quite closely throughout the last decade. I’d like to post up this speech from his 2005 Standford University Commencement Address ,Read… Read more »
Still thinking about yesterday’s post on how Open is Dead, I took a short trip down to Wall Street today to check out and participate briefly in Occupy Wall Street. While I was there, I was reminded of this passage from the book Sex at Dawn (excellent book, a must-read). The passage is about JaneRead… Read more »
The American Federation of Government Employees, the country’s largest federal and DC employee union, joined hundreds of people in the American Dream Movement at the Jobs Not Cuts rally on Capitol Hill today. AFGE and the American Dream Movement are urging Congress to focus on creating good jobs, and making the tax system work forRead… Read more »
Happy Fiscal New Year everyone. I’ve made my “continuing resolution” and I’m sticking to it….. What bad jokes can you make about our current fiscal situation?
I’m documenting the process leading up to the City of Reno’s first civic hackathon – maybe it will be useful for other cities. The Hack4Reno civic hackathon event will be held in downtown Reno on Oct. 15-16. Learn more at http://Hack4Reno.com Get your own valid XHTML YouTube embed code Got any questions about hosting aRead… Read more »
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is asking the federal government for money to build her state’s health insurance exchange while simultaneously challenging the law. Arizona was one of the first states to get involved with the challenge to federal health care reform legislation, a fight which continues, the state is also seeking an exemption from healthRead… Read more »