
Farewell Steve Jobs

At this time , millions of tributes, obituaries and status updates are flooding the internet in remembrance of a true visionary. I did not know Steve Jobs personally, but I did follow his endeavors quite closely throughout the last decade. I’d like to post up this speech from his 2005 Standford University Commencement Address ,Read… Read more »

AFGE Joins with Progressive Groups at Jobs Not Cuts Rally on Capitol Hill

The American Federation of Government Employees, the country’s largest federal and DC employee union, joined hundreds of people in the American Dream Movement at the Jobs Not Cuts rally on Capitol Hill today. AFGE and the American Dream Movement are urging Congress to focus on creating good jobs, and making the tax system work forRead… Read more »

Hosting a City Hackathon

I’m documenting the process leading up to the City of Reno’s first civic hackathon – maybe it will be useful for other cities. The Hack4Reno civic hackathon event will be held in downtown Reno on Oct. 15-16. Learn more at http://Hack4Reno.com Get your own valid XHTML YouTube embed code Got any questions about hosting aRead… Read more »

Az simultaneously asks for federal HCR dollars and challenges HCR law

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is asking the federal government for money to build her state’s health insurance exchange while simultaneously challenging the law. Arizona was one of the first states to get involved with the challenge to federal health care reform legislation, a fight which continues, the state is also seeking an exemption from healthRead… Read more »

How Your Military Skills Can Get you Hired!

Transitioning from the military to a civilian career? Ever wonder how the skills you’ve gained through military service can translate into a civilian job? GEICO’s got you covered. Not only does GEICO have a whole hub specifically designed to help military servicemen and women adjust back to civilian career life, but it provides a “MilitaryRead… Read more »

Turning Your Shopping Bag into fuel

If you’ve ever wondered if there was a better place for all of the plastic we use to go than the local landfill, then you’re not alone. Agilyx asked the same question and in response has developed a process to turn plastic into fuel. Why is a process that takes plastic and makes what isRead… Read more »

Information Management: Taxonomy creation methodology

Made more progress on Taxonomy creation methodology yesterday on several front. Enlisted several peer to collaborate or comment of the core aspects of developing a system to determine taxonomy approach; Richard Harbridge and Ruven Gotz. I was pleased that Richard had picked up my recommendation and read Patrick Lambe’s Organizing Knowledge. It gives use someRead… Read more »

The Road to Real ROI : Extending Your IT Investment Through Integration

From my colleague, Tom Tennant…interesting way to think about integration and ROI for IT investments… Okay, so you’re ready to build the bridge (you remember the bridge, right?) between your line-of-business (LOB) systems, whether that’s SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, and so forth, and your data (structured and unstructured). How do you do it strategically? And howRead… Read more »