
Coming up With Ideas

Coming up with ideas sounds really easy, but sometimes to get the simple but most effective ideas, it’s worth thinking about how to stimulate them. I’ve been working with local residents from community and arts groups and students from colleges and universities to help them come up with ideas for our competition. A few daysRead… Read more »

Mortality among our peers: Better, but not well

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE Issue Date: Online ExclusiveOnline Exclusive Mortality among our peers: Better, but not wellHas the disparity actually been reduced in the last five years? by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD As we pause to honor recovery month (September) and Wellness Week (September 17-23), we must also forge ahead to assess our progress inRead… Read more »

SharePoint Salon: I.T. and SharePoint Governace

Last night friends and colleagues gathered at the Hilton during the SharePoint 2011 conference in Anaheim for 2nd SharePoint Salon. During the event several topics were brought to the table to discuss. It was, as the last Salon, exhilarating to engage in exchanges of ideas and opinions. Many of the participants were just as passionateRead… Read more »

Nonprofits test car-sharing market

As companies like Zipcar have popularized car-sharing, some localities are testing nonprofit models that they hope will expand the reach and scope of these programs. Chicago (IL) has I-GO, Boulder (CO) has eGO CarShare, and Syracuse (NY) has CuseCar, which is run by Synapse Sustainability Trust. “We’re not driven by dollars per share per quarter,”Read… Read more »

BART police to test clip-on cameras

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (CA) police are testing six small clip-on video cameras designed to create a permanent record of police actions in the field. Officers will activate the cameras to record interactions with the public in an effort to improve the agency’s transparency. “They are the next wave of technology in lawRead… Read more »

A Passion Project to Renew Our Enthusiasm – your vote needed

I’m hoping that my fellow GovLoopers can help a Govie out. I need your help to spread the awesome! I could use your vote – especially if you live in DC – for a side project I submitted to the GOOD Maker 30 day Challenge – a DC Passion Project. Voting closes this Thursday andRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Testing the lows… again

The volatility continued on Wall Street this past week as we saw wild swings in both directions culminating in a steep sell-off on Friday that took most of the major indices into the red for the week. For the TSP funds, the C-fund lost 0.41% last week, the S-fund dropped 1.69%, the I-fund was upRead… Read more »