
Tearing the heart out

I feel like I’m watching the biggest game of skittles. My favourite guilty pleasure is a carrot cake cupcake from a place called Huntleys which is a local farm shop which also supplies us with potatoes familiar with soil and bread familiar with real hands. Not as rare up here as some people might likeRead… Read more »

The Role of the Facilitator in Building and Sustaining Communities of Practice

[This is cross-posted from Communities & Collaboration blog] I had the honour of being invited to present at the XIII Seminari Compartim L’e-moderador i altres nous agents de coneixement a les organitzacions on 21st September 2011 (Ministry of Justice, Spain). This post is a brief preamble to my presentation. Background My experience of knowledge sharingRead… Read more »

What’s Important in Forest Planning?

The 2011 Proposed Planning Rule outlines and discusses the forest planning processes that Forest Service units must follow. If it is adopted, it will replace the 1982 Planning Rule. You haven’t seen the Proposed Rule? You can find it here –> fs.USDA.gov/planningrule. So what’s important about it? Oh, don’t bore me with another academic comparisonRead… Read more »

The City Bus System, Redesigned

Ten Years After Redefining BRT, What’s Next for TransMilenio? from Streetfilms on Vimeo. We’re always on the lookout for new, innovative urban transit systems. TransMilenio, captured by Streetfilms, more than fits the bill. Original post

States, Localities Inspire Federal Data-Driven Management

The New York City Police Department launched it vaunted CompSTAT more than a decade ago. This data-driven management approach inspired dozens of other cities and several states to adopt it to run their operations as well. Now it is being pioneered in federal agencies and will likely spread quickly with the encouragement of Congress andRead… Read more »

Social Media Tactics: 5 Engagement Strategies – RSVP for 10/19

Please join us at GovDelivery’s event on Wednesday, October 19th, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions. The theme for this week is ways to engage your key stakeholders. Much of this is remembering your customer service skills. One strategy is to think carefully about the way you interact with your community offline, and tryRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Pentagon Accepts Alternative Energy Options

Navy Secretary Ray Mabus has announced that the Navy and Marine Corps will be shifting towards alternative energy to “make us better war fighters.” As the nation’s single biggest energy consumer, the Pentagon has many reasons to want to diversify its fuel sources. Mabus and others say the move toward alternative energy is about nationalRead… Read more »

A Chronicle of Enterprise Software History

Editor’s note: This post by Derek Singleton of Software Advice reviews more extensive work at: Origins of Modern Computing. At Software Advice we recently undertook an ambitious project. After spending countless hours analyzing modern enterprise resource planning (ERP) software developments, we decided to look into the past to understand how we got to where weRead… Read more »

Something’s fishy with farecards

With last week’s launch of the Merseytravel (UK) Walrus card, both Creative Review and The Guardian got to wondering: What is the “watery trail” that seems to link so many smart cards? Hong Kong has the Octopus, London has the Oyster, Seattle has ORCA, Wellington has Snapper, and San Francisco has the Clipper card. TheRead… Read more »