
FedCyber.com Cybersecurity Summit on Wednesday, September 28

FedCyber.com‘s Cybersecurity Summit is almost here, and the entire CTOvision team will be there to engage with the community and capture key elements of the event. The purpose of this one-day conference is to advance the field of cybersecurity by bringing together key thought leaders from the community to work on an action-oriented agenda. ParticipantsRead… Read more »


Friends, During my three months as a summer fellow at GovLoop, I had the chance to get to know not just the other amazing members of the GL staff but also countless members of the greater GL community. From interacting with hundreds of dedicated public servants on the site, to meeting many of you atRead… Read more »

Washington Monument Is Going to Be Okay

Just thought I would share an article from RollCall.com The Washington Monument is to be surveyed by experts to examine the quake damage… Spokesman for National Parks states “The monument is structurally sound and is not going anywhere, [Its builders] obviously knew what they were doing.”

Unbiased food icons? Harvard introduces alternatives to MyPyramid and MyPlate

This month, Harvard took a bold stand, declaring the USDA‘s food guide icons inadequate and out-of-date: For nearly two decades, the U.S. government distilled its nutrition advice into pyramids. These efforts didn’t accurately show people what makes up a healthy diet. Why? Their recommendations were based on out-of-date science and influenced by people with businessRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Gov Shutdown? Is your position safe?

As I was reading this article on the Washington Post’s Federal Page today about the looming Federal government shutdown, a few thoughts crossed my mind. What will this mean for my friends in the government? How long would a shutdown last? Is it really possible for the U.S. Gov’t to cease certain operations? The lastRead… Read more »

Start a Government Small Business Internet Marketing Support Initiative.

If the demand is there, small business will gladly find a way to deal with increased taxes and regulations, and demand is the only way to increase our hiring. That said, I have a very inexpensive way Government can help Small Business demand nationwide for pennies on the dollar. Start a Government Small Business InternetRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Stocks breaking down

The bear flag breakdown Stocks experienced their worst week since 2008 as the ongoing debt issues plagued Europe, and here at home the Fed’s “Twist” plan of buying $400 billion in long term debt while selling an equal amount of shorter maturities, did not go over very well. They also added the word “significant” toRead… Read more »

GEOINT 2011: Forging Integrated Intelligence

The Geoint symposium is upon us. It will be held October 16-19 in San Antonio, Texas. The theme for this years event is “Forging Integrated Intelligence.” But unofficially there is a key sub theme that is jumping right out at us all. That sub-theme is “Big Data” for geospatial intelligence. Here is a bit ofRead… Read more »