
Unbiased food icons? Harvard introduces alternatives to MyPyramid and MyPlate

This month, Harvard took a bold stand, declaring the USDA‘s food guide icons inadequate and out-of-date: For nearly two decades, the U.S. government distilled its nutrition advice into pyramids. These efforts didn’t accurately show people what makes up a healthy diet. Why? Their recommendations were based on out-of-date science and influenced by people with businessRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Gov Shutdown? Is your position safe?

As I was reading this article on the Washington Post’s Federal Page today about the looming Federal government shutdown, a few thoughts crossed my mind. What will this mean for my friends in the government? How long would a shutdown last? Is it really possible for the U.S. Gov’t to cease certain operations? The lastRead… Read more »

Start a Government Small Business Internet Marketing Support Initiative.

If the demand is there, small business will gladly find a way to deal with increased taxes and regulations, and demand is the only way to increase our hiring. That said, I have a very inexpensive way Government can help Small Business demand nationwide for pennies on the dollar. Start a Government Small Business InternetRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Stocks breaking down

The bear flag breakdown Stocks experienced their worst week since 2008 as the ongoing debt issues plagued Europe, and here at home the Fed’s “Twist” plan of buying $400 billion in long term debt while selling an equal amount of shorter maturities, did not go over very well. They also added the word “significant” toRead… Read more »

GEOINT 2011: Forging Integrated Intelligence

The Geoint symposium is upon us. It will be held October 16-19 in San Antonio, Texas. The theme for this years event is “Forging Integrated Intelligence.” But unofficially there is a key sub theme that is jumping right out at us all. That sub-theme is “Big Data” for geospatial intelligence. Here is a bit ofRead… Read more »

Thinking About the Traditional Approach

A recent IDG interview of Bob Gourley and Andrjew Kawalec delved into the problem of the “traditional” method of enterprise security, a paradigm under severe challenge. We can sum up the traditional approach as less a certain tactic, technique, technology, or policy than a way of viewing the world. As Gourley has noted, traditional enterpriseRead… Read more »

Introduction to Public Sector Digital Engagement LONDON & SE

Thursday 20th October 2011 Feedback from previous Digital Engagement workshop The workshop provided me with a better understanding of the advantages & pitfalls of social media – Tourism Development Officer, Ceredigion County Council The workshop was informative and lent itself well to interaction with well thought out activities – PR Officer, Coleg Morgannwg Useful insightsRead… Read more »

Advice for (and from) Married Men

One wedding tradition that I’ve always admired is that before a wedding, married men would take the groom aside and impart whatever wisdom they had gained to the newest member of the League of Married Men. Recently, Alex Howard joined the club and in a few weeks, Steve Ressler will be inducted. Here are fiveRead… Read more »