
Geo-based Content Processing Using HBase

Another great use case for Hadoop and HBase is explained in this video from the Chicago Data Summit on April 26 by NAVTEQ on how HBase can be used to process geographical content on a massive scale. NAVTEQ is “the leading map provider” for location-enabled devices such as vehicle navigation systems and smartphone maps. TheyRead… Read more »

moms changing our world

This month, online parenting site Babble.com put out a list of 100 moms who are changing the world. This high-powered list includes Hillary Clinton, Vera Wang, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Shirin Abadi. To recognize the thousands upon thousands of other not-high-profile moms toiling tirelessly to change our world, Babble.com also created a competition, inviting anyoneRead… Read more »

Last Call for Apps for Community + Most Awesome Judges

Very cool…just got this info. And have to say – best set of judges I’ve seen on apps contest (Andreeson, Feld, Booker – dope! (plus other folks are sweet too) ————————————–In just a few weeks, the Apps for Communities contest closes. We challenged developers and designers with creating apps that improve daily life in citiesRead… Read more »

Watery Labor Dept. Rule Leaves Question: Why?

The Labor Department likely wasn’t thinking of information technology contractors in issuing its new rule, “Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts.” But the IT community will feel its effects. The rule sets into regulation an Obama administration order from 2009 seeking to prevent line workers on a services contract from losing their jobs whenRead… Read more »

News of the Week

Here is a brief list of some of the interesting sustainability news articles from this week: A Moore’s Law for Renewable Energy City Makes Recycling Compulsory for Businesses Rebuilding America: Why We Need a Smart Infrastructure Bank Lessons Learned: Italy’s Solar Rise and the Path Ahead And you’ll find more headlines at CEILeadership.org! Original post

Information Warfare: A Historical Approach

Information warfare is thought to be a product of what, broadly speaking, is considered the ”information” era. However, if we correctly understand what information war is, we can see that it stretches back to the dawn of organized conflict itself. Dorothy Denning defines information warfare (IW) as “operations that target or exploit information resources.” InformationRead… Read more »

Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on H.R.2587

September 15, 2011 Instead of creating good jobs, Tea Party Republicans are wasting time and playing partisan politics. H.R. 2587 is an over-reaching, special interest bill that advances the interests of corporate donors while attacking working people, their rights and their jobs. It’s one more example of an anti-worker agenda that’s bad for America andRead… Read more »

Be Present. Lend a Hand.

Join me and other GovLooper’s at this uniquely fun celebration. A networking event not to miss as GovLoop and the Washington City Paper bring together Federal employees and more than 30 charities to build upon the successful launch of this year’s Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA), the workplace giving campaign forRead… Read more »