
Health Care and Social Services August Review

Deltek Analyst Stephen Moss reports. I recently saw a pundit on cable news attempting to answer the question, “Why do bad things always happen in August?” To that question I can offer no insight, but I can attest to the underlying premise. August 2011 proved to be an especially tumultuous month for those of usRead… Read more »

GS levels by education

Some may be wondering the GS levels of federal jobs. here is the list below. GS-1: No high school diploma GS-2 (GS-3 for clerk-steno positions): High school diploma GS-3: 1 year of full-time study after high school GS-4: Associate degree or 2 years of full-time study after high school GS-5 or GS-7: depending on agencyRead… Read more »

AFGE’s Field Services and Education Department Produces Two New “Must Read” Bargaining Manuals

AFGE is issuing two manuals that are ‘must reads’ for anyone engaged in bargaining. Produced by the Field Services & Education Department, the Collective Bargaining Manual walks the reader through the basics of federal sector bargaining. It is useful whether you have never bargained or if you have bargained for years. There are insights coveringRead… Read more »

Meet The Company Behind Capitol Hill’s Facebook Ads

http://www.allfacebook.com/facebook-ads-politics-2011-09 Did you know that there’s a company that specializes in Facebook promotions for members of Congress? Meet iConstituent, of Washington, D.C. We spoke to the company’s Marketing and New Media manager, Andrew Foxwell, by phone and email to learn more about how the company collaborates with congressional offices to maximize their Facebook use. HowRead… Read more »

New Video on YouTube:How to Prepare for you PMP Exam: Step 6: Using Practice Tests to Get Ready

Hello there! Today, I’m going to share the 6th step of how to prepare for the PMP Exam certification. PMP also stands for PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! And in this video: http://bit.ly/pmpstep06 we will learn how to take advantage of using free online sample exam questions and real practice tests to gauge our readiness in takingRead… Read more »

New Methodology/Book Project

After reading Content Strategy for the Web by Kristina Halvorson, decided assembling a book on how to develop an Information Architecture for an Enterprise was doable. Expect it will take about a year, as simlair efforts I’ve had for Microsoft and IBM to build methodologies took about the same time. Have started collecting methods, toolsRead… Read more »

Can we use the internet to get off the internet — and grow local communities?

The answer is astoundingly YES! This morning I was greeted by a powerful email from my friend Scott Heiferman, the Co-Founder & CEO of Meetup that he sent out to all members of Meetup. In his email he tells the story of how Meetup was born as a result of 9/11 to see if theyRead… Read more »

New Methodology/Book Project

After reading Content Strategy for the Web by Kristina Halvorson, decided assembling a book on how to develop an Information Architecture for an Enterprise was doable. Expect it will take about a year, as simlair efforts I’ve had for Microsoft and IBM to build methodologies took about the same time. Have started collecting methods, toolsRead… Read more »

DART provides arrival info by text message

Dallas Area Rapid Transit (TX) is launching a service that lets passengers check the scheduled arrival time for their bus or train by text message. Passengers can text the stop identification number to DART and receive the scheduled arrival time by return message. For now, the system provided only scheduled arrival times but real-time updatesRead… Read more »