
Hi, here are political law links for Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2011

VENTI PUBLICITY FOR STARBUCKS CEO. Politico. “Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz continued his rhetorical war against Washington gridlock Tuesday during a conference call and webcast castigating the White House and Congress for the nation’s deficit and unemployment rate.” IS THE EDWARDS CASE POLITICAL? That’s the question posed in this report. “Edwards, who ran for president twiceRead… Read more »

Show Me the Money, Salary and Benefits

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net HR Specialist When you are looking for a new job, a critical issues is pay and benefits. Yet too many of us don’t even think about these issues in advance. You need to or you may make simple mistakes with large dollar, long-term career consequences. So first, what constitutesRead… Read more »

Vital Signs on Adult Smoking

CDC Vital Signs materials released on September 6 show that expanded efforts are needed to reduce adult smoking. Although the percentage of American adults who smoke has decreased since 2005, nearly one in five adults smoke, and large disparities continue to exist. Learn more, including specific actions that individuals, organizations, and state and community leadersRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Time to Test the Lows?

09/06/11Stocks fell sharply on Friday after a very weak jobs report. As you may have heard, the report came in at -0- jobs created in August vs. an estimate of +70,000. By the close the Dow had lost 253-points, and based on the overnight futures, the selling does not appear to be over. For theRead… Read more »

Los Angeles Air Force Base Vehicles to Go Electric

America’s armed forces are certainly taking renewable energy seriously. From the development of new fuels to the integration of solar photovoltaics into units serving in war zones, the various branches of the military are embracing renewable energy technology, often while simultaneously testing its limits. Recently, we read about another green government project going on withinRead… Read more »

Haley refuses health insurance exchange, HCR

South Carolina is the latest in a small group of states that are rejecting federal funding to enact requirements outlined in the health care reform law. Governor Nikki Haley indicated at the end of last week that her state will not apply for funds to set up a health insurance exchange in the state sayingRead… Read more »

Recoverying from the Recovery Act?

States and localities were the front line for implementation of more than $275 billion in spending via more than 65 programs. They also faced pressures to spend, spend quickly, spend wisely – and report what they did in almost real-time. A new IBM Center report examines what happened in several cities in Virginia. In 2009,Read… Read more »

Federal Technologists: If you need or build solutions involving data, register now for Hadoop World (8-9 Nov, NYC)

Hadoop World is scheduled for 8-9 November 2011. It will be held at the Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers in NYC. Big Data architects, engineers and executives from throughout industry will be in attendance. This is a great opportunity to learn what Hadoop can do for you and your organization’s mission. It is alsoRead… Read more »

Ten Years After: A Personal Remembrance of Sep 11th – Strategies for Grieving, Surviving & Evolving

A Board Member of the Greater Metro-DC Region of Federally Employed Women (FEW; an educational-legal-support association for government employees) recently wrote, “Are you planning to write something for the 9/11 anniversary coming up. I bet a lot of people would like to hear you on this stress related topic. It’s going to be a veryRead… Read more »