
Defining, Accepting and Training “Innovation,” Part Two

If there were a key for ideas…maybe we would listen better. “We talk about innovation constantly, but step outside the chain of command and you get your hand slapped with the reminder that ‘You can’t understand the politics involved.’ The key to innovation is really believing that everyone has a worthwhile perspective — not sayingRead… Read more »

I Am Ninja: TweetDeck as a Killer App

The profile for @DODASSMC reads: “The Army’s Director of Online and Social Media Division coordinates these monthly meetings for professional development and networking of DOD social media folks.” For the past two months, I’ve had the pleasure of addressing that group, and I’ve come to realize that it’s time for me to embrace (resurrect?) myRead… Read more »

Thursday morning’s political law links

TODAY’S FEC MEETING. The Federal Election Commission meets today and the meeting agenda is here. UNION SUPER PAC PURPOSE. The Hill. “AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said Wednesday that the super PAC being set up by the labor federation will help unions earn their independence from political parties.” KEVIN RING IN THE NEWS. Commentary here. “IRead… Read more »

Network-Centric Warfare on the Cheap

Aeryon Systems has recently gotten a good deal of media attention for Libyan rebels’ use of 3-pound (backpack, briefcase, or trunk-stored) Scout unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in tactical-level intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) functions. Dependent on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for their ISR needs, the rebels naturally opted to develop their own organicRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 23

Day 23 This morning we had our regular engineering staff meeting. It was a pretty typical meeting with GIS sharing what they were doing and then our engineers and technical staff letting us know the status of all the projects. After our meeting, we started driving the roads to determine their condition. We also spentRead… Read more »

Unsubscribe vs. Opt-out

Our organization, CEPSM, recently ran a database “cleaning” email campaign to remind our e-communications subscribers that they are in full control of what they want to receive and how often. While at first instinct nobody wants to see their database decline in numbers, I’m sure most people would agree that clogging your audiences’ email in-boxesRead… Read more »

AFGE Wants to Hear Your 9/11 Story

As the country prepares to remember the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, AFGE wants to hear from our members about what the anniversary means to you. Where were you when you first heard of the attacks of September 11, 2001? What impact did 9/11 have on your life both personally and professionally? Please click here toRead… Read more »