
No break on MetroCards because of hurricane shutdown

In light of an unprecedented shutdown of all Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY) services because of Hurricane Irene, some customers were wondering whether the MTA would issue discounts or extensions on their $104 unlimited MetroCards. The answer, according to New York Times reporter Michael M. Grynbaum, is No. The MTA started shutting down service at noonRead… Read more »

It’s Time for a Tech Rebellion in Government

Rebellion abounds today, how can Government’s capture the passion and sustain the movements? I wrote this piece earlier this Summer for the Lower House of Congress in Mexico in anticipation of my publishing deal for my upcoming book, “Rebel Technology”. I wanted to publish it again given the events in Libya and what will potentiallyRead… Read more »

A Time for Change

These are unprecedented times of pressure for government agencies, forced to reduce spending and to cut budgets, while at the same time being asked to provide citizens with exceptional levels of customer service. The Executive Order on Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service calls for executive departments and agencies to use technology to improveRead… Read more »

News of the Week

Here is a brief list of some of the interesting sustainability news articles from this week: Chrysler teams with cellulosic-ethanol firm ZeaChem U.S. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 2010 Solar power plant switches to PV from thermal MIT Weighs the Lifecycle Impacts of Concrete And you’ll find more headlines at CEILeadership.org! Original post

A global perspective on child health

After publishing data sets from Kent on child health, we have been looking from inspiration on how to present and reuse such information. A wonderful example of using data visualisations to tell a story of global demographic trends has been compiled by Hans Rosling’s excellent Gapminder organisation here. Using national statistics on child mortality andRead… Read more »

5 Ways to Be Awesome at Public Affairs – Lessons from Playing w/ BGOV

Join us on Sep. 21st to see, do, and learn about Bloomberg Government with an interactive session with tips on how it can help you be awesome as a public affairs official. Limited seating so please RSVP.—————————————————————————————————– I’ll be honest – I’m an unabashed Bloomberg fan. I’ve read Michael Bloomberg’s biography (awesome), respect him asRead… Read more »

One Nation, Many Beliefs: Talking About Religion in a Diverse Democracy

This is the pilot version of a new discussion guide from Everyday Democracy. Adapted from a 2006 guide created by LaGuardia Community College, One Nation, Many Beliefs helps people of different faith groups and secular groups develop relationships to work together in creating a community where everyone can thrive. Go to www.everyday-democracy.org//en/Resource.182.aspx to download theRead… Read more »

This Day in GovCon History, August 25, 1916: National Park Service Created

This article was originally published by GovWin’s Anthony Critelli August 25, 1916 is the day President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill creating the National Park Service (NPS) within the Department of the Interior. Interior had previously lacked the organization to effectively manage the then 14 national parks and 21 national monuments. The new agency wasRead… Read more »