
OMB Unveils Its Performance.Gov Website

The Bush Administration had its Results.Gov scorecard. The Obama Administration now has unveiled its Performance.Gov dashboard. Is a dashboard better than a scorecard? The Bush website provided links to key management initiatives, such as the President’s Management Agenda Scorecard, a list and bios of top political appointees, and a set of agency examples of bestRead… Read more »

New app helps rural systems use GTFS format

The National Rural Transit Assistance Program announced a new cloud-based application to help transit agencies convert their route and schedule data into the General Transit Feed Specification. GTFS Builder provides rural transit systems with tools and training videos to help them put bus route and schedule data into the format required by Google Transit andRead… Read more »

Fresh Look at IT Program Manager Competencies

In all the hype about new technology, we often forget to talk about what government IT is mostly about – that’s project management. It’s about leading projects to solve problems and it’s pretty tough. Was cool to see OPM deliver the new competency program for IT program managers. The hardest part is defining what makesRead… Read more »

22 Ideas to Improve Customer Service

The Customer Service series is supported by RightNow Technologies. To learn more on how to use cloud technology to improve customer service, visit the RightNow resource center today. Check out the GovLoop/RightNow Customer Service Hub to get smart on how to be awesome at customer service ——– Yesterday GovLoop held our 1st GovLoop Symposium (inRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Could and Should USPS Pull Out of FEHBP?

We all know by now that the U.S. Postal Service is struggling to get by. It lost $8.5 billion last year, and earlier this summer here on GovLoop we debated the merits of cutting back to 3- or 5-day mail delivery instead of the customary 6. Another solution being floated would involve disenrolling all postalRead… Read more »

Energy Efficient Light Bulb Comparison

CFL, LED, incandescent. The simple light bulb is clearly a think of the past, but how do modern, energy efficient bulbs differ from the incandescent versions of the past? One of the writers at cnet wondered the same thing and recently published a “regular person’s review” of the various bulbs. The color differences in theRead… Read more »

Councils using open data to encourage channel shift

Councils are using demographic research information to target sections of the population to encourage them to access their services online. Many local authorities are using research tools to compile and analyse statistical information about their community. A report such as this one published on Kent County Council’s website contains a wealth of information that canRead… Read more »


BREAKING NEWS: President Obama has just confirmed that the DC earthquake occurred on a rare and obscure fault-line, apparently known as “Bush’s Fault”. Obama also announced that the Secret Service and Maxine Waters continues an investigation of the quake’s suspicious ties to the Tea Party. Libertarians however have proven that it was caused by theRead… Read more »