
CPUC GHG OIR PHC (and other acronyms)

by Whitney Ramos, SF2011 There is an email in my inbox with the subject “CPUC GHG OIR PHC.” Within the context of my office at the SFPUC (that’s the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission) I know that the email is about the California Public Utilities Commission’s Greenhouse Gas Order to Institute a Rulemaking, Pre-hearing Conference.Read… Read more »

my paradox: sell less, serve more

by Megan Degeneffe, SF2011 Soon after starting work at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) I noticed something strange. I work in the Water Conservation Section, a group dedicated to helping San Francisco customers reduce their water use. The SFPUC, however, is funded by selling water to ratepayers. The paradox is clear- I workRead… Read more »

Is Open Government Dead?

In recent weeks, the main stream media has questioned whether the Obama administration’s Open Government initiative has lost its steam. But is it really dead? For example, Washington Post columnist Vivek Wadhwa’s article “The Death of Open Government” followed the resignation announcement of the federal government’s chief information officer – and Open Government champion —Read… Read more »

16 states get $103 million in grants for broadband

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced $103 million in grants awarded to 16 states to expand rural broadband yesterday. The money will be shared across broadband authorities and private companies in the group of states. USDA said the awards were meant to close the digital divide between rural and urban areas. Arkansas, California, Illinois,Read… Read more »

UPDATE: CWA, IBEW Reach Agreement on Bargaining with Verizon

After striking and picketing outside of several Verizon Wireless stores, Communications Workers of America (CWA), International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), and Verizon have reached a bargaining agreement. Union members will return to work on Tuesday, August 23. Both AFGE National Secretary-Treasurer J. David Cox and National Vice President/Women’s Fair Practices Director Augusta Thomas joinedRead… Read more »

Super PACs, super committees, super disclosure, super political law links today

SUPER PAC VIEW. Charlie Spies addresses Restore Our Future in this USAT editorial. “The activities of Super PACs, such as Restore Our Future, are not only constitutionally protected, but also are important for our democracy because they add voices to the political discourse. Restore Our Future will continue to fully comply with the law andRead… Read more »