
Calling All Federal Cybersecurity Practitioners: Contribute ideas and actions to enhance the community

On 28 September 2011, FedCyber.com will facilitate a one-day Government-Industry Cyber Security Summit to be held at the Newseum in Washington DC. This event is free for government cybersecurity practitioners. The FedCyber.com Government-Industry Summit will bring together thought leaders who know the cyber mission in a venue designed to enhance our collective understanding of theRead… Read more »

Avoid Underrepresenting your Organization

I recently sat through a meeting with a vendor who represented a Fortune 500 company. During this meeting I witnessed behavior which spurred me to compose this article. The vendor I met with had a bad habit of deflecting questions, providing vague details, and speaking with a general lack of confidence. The vendor greatly underrepresentedRead… Read more »

Upcoming Cloudera Hadoop Training in the DC Area

With the ubiquity of Big Data, Apache Hadoop has become a vital platform for cost-effective, reliable, scalable distributed computing to store and analyze hundreds of gigabytes of complex information. Since the Hadoop ecosystem is open source, it is supported with a growing community of professionals. However, it is a platform in growing demand which meansRead… Read more »

How We Learn–Six Points You Should Know

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (philosopher) believed the student and his learning should not be separated from life itself, but should be managed by a teacher who understood his subject and the development of the mind and help the student “uncover” or discover the curriculum needed in life. While I support the caveman theory of learning (the artRead… Read more »

Purple Heart Interchange Unveiled

A little rain (ok, a lot of rain) didn’t stop us from having a great time at the unveiling of the Purple Heart Interchange in Southpointe today. Near the National Cemetery of the Alleghenies in Cecil Township, this interchange at Exit 48 of Interstate 79 was approved as result of HB 1799, a bill IRead… Read more »

New Video on YouTube:How to Prepare for your PMP Exam: Build a PMP Exam Study Plan

Hello Everyone! As we get ready for the PMP Exam, let’s watch the third step video of how to prepare accordingly. In this video, let’s learn the importance and benefits of building a study plan. Just like any successful project undertakings, studying for the exam also needs a concrete plan. And if you want toRead… Read more »

Food & Nutrition Iconathon in Los Angeles

We had another great Iconathon in Los Angeles on Saturday August 13, 2011. (Jump to Photos) In Iconathons, designers, public policy people, coders and other interested citizens get together to develop new civic symbols for the public domain. These symbols can be used in new web applications, infographics, signage, policy documents, maps and anywhere elseRead… Read more »

Avoid Underrepresenting your Organization

I recently sat through a meeting with a vendor who represented a Fortune 500 company. During this meeting I witnessed behavior which spurred me to compose this article. The vendor I met with had a bad habit of deflecting questions, providing vague details, and speaking with a general lack of confidence. The vendor greatly underrepresentedRead… Read more »