
Montgomery’s hybrids provide a cool ride

Forget the lower operating costs and smoother ride. Passengers on Montgomery Area Transit System’s (AL) eight new diesel-electric hybrid will most likely notice one thing: The air conditioning works. That’s the thing we hear the most, that we need to fix the A/C — especially on days like today,” said general manager Kelvin Miller aboutRead… Read more »

Listening for Change in Public Health and Social Marketing

The ubiquity of social media means that just about every industry, from non-profits to sports to higher education to government – has hundreds of different blogs in each of these industries that are devoted to studying social media’s impact on pretty much everything. Within the organization, we’re seeing this same long tail manifested in theRead… Read more »

Serious Recycling in Trenton, NJ

Did you know that just a few hours north on I-95 there is a major (and incredibly inventive) recycling company? We didn’t. But the Trenton, NJ-based TerraCycle is starting to make itself known. Now, calling TerraCycle a recycling company doesn’t do them justice. They just aren’t your traditional “sort and ship” recycling operation. TerraCycle actuallyRead… Read more »

Your Post-Military Job: What You Can’t (And Can) Take With You

Knowing what you can’t, and can, take with you to your next job is incredibly important, especially when it comes to the military. Whether you realize it or not (I know it’s hard to stay awake through all of those preseparation counseling sessions) there may be restrictions concerning where you can work post military andRead… Read more »

Thursday’s political law links

OPPO IN THE MAINSTREAM. Politico. “Opposition research, long vilified and romanticized as a kind of political dark art, has stepped out of the closet for the 2012 presidential campaign, in which current and former opposition researchers are taking prominent roles, the self-described ‘high road’ candidate has an extensive research operation and the climate couldn’t beRead… Read more »