
Tuesday’s political law links

LOBBYING AND THE SUPER COMMITTEE. Roll Call. “Two of the biggest spenders on lobbying, the health care and defense industries, might end up working against each other in a furious four-month campaign focused on the deficit reduction committee-to-be.” K ST. FOR COS. Roll Call. “Van Heuvelen Strategies has nabbed Stephen Ward, who just decamped fromRead… Read more »

Social, media, strategy?

Hello, Mike here. I received a multi-address email last week from somebody in an IG shop. The text included, as I recollect, the words ‘media’ ‘social’ and ‘strategy’; that’s all that stuck to me and I’ve misplaced the email. I’d like a chance to respond but need more specific info on what’s wanted, like ‘who,Read… Read more »

New on VoxPopuLII: Gray on The Imperatives of Access to Legal Information in South Africa

Eve Gray of the University of Cape Town IP Law and Policy Research Unit, has posted Incomprehension Compounded by Mistranslation – The Imperatives of Access to Legal Information in South Africa, on the VoxPopuLII Blog, published by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. In this post, Ms. Gray describes the South AfricanRead… Read more »

Building an Online Community

Guest Post by Dana Blankenhorn I first met Dana Blankenhorn when I left enterprise software and was building an open source company. He was blogging about open source and about two of every three of his posts I had to implement immediately. He was my teacher-from-the-cloud for over a year. He is still the onlyRead… Read more »

NGGS: Contractors Motivate Gen Y to Break Through Barriers and Become Leaders

I originally published this on GovWin. As an aside, NGGS11 was an excellent event and every government related employee can learn from it. Though government contractors and federal employees have their differences, one certainty is that the workforce will soon go through an employee transition as baby boomers retire. This means that a younger workforceRead… Read more »

Why Complex Problems are Complex and Hard To Solve

From an early age, I have never liked the observation that something is complex. It usually meant that person is just resigning themselves to never understanding the problem. I couldn’t stand this defeatist attitude and have spent most of my life trying to devise ways to tackle complex problems including the aptly-named “wicked problems.” EvenRead… Read more »