
NGGS: Contractors Motivate Gen Y to Break Through Barriers and Become Leaders

I originally published this on GovWin. As an aside, NGGS11 was an excellent event and every government related employee can learn from it. Though government contractors and federal employees have their differences, one certainty is that the workforce will soon go through an employee transition as baby boomers retire. This means that a younger workforceRead… Read more »

Why Complex Problems are Complex and Hard To Solve

From an early age, I have never liked the observation that something is complex. It usually meant that person is just resigning themselves to never understanding the problem. I couldn’t stand this defeatist attitude and have spent most of my life trying to devise ways to tackle complex problems including the aptly-named “wicked problems.” EvenRead… Read more »

New Fuel Economy Standards Unveiled

While we were all watching the debt ceiling headlines, the White House announced new fuel economy standards last week. The graphic above shows what to expect by 2025. Major auto makers have already signed on to the new standards. So it now looks like we’ll all have more efficient, and greener, cars by 2025. ImageRead… Read more »

Code for Your Country

During WWII, a broad national effort was mounted to foster a sense of patriotic duty for the war, and part of that effort were strong visual images that communicated the need for participation. So strong, in fact that the images of Uncle Sam and Rosie the Riveter continue to resonate today. Those iconic wartime postersRead… Read more »

Having a Little Fun with Official Social Media: Old Spice And @EPAgov

Are you familiar with last year’s Old Spice ad campaign? They featured a formed NFL player and were hilarious. Here’s one of my favorites for context: The true social media genius, though, was that they invited people to tweet requests to him, and then they shot short video responses. In each one, he reads theRead… Read more »

Children are the best teachers…

One of the many joys of having young children is that they can teach you so much – how to enjoy simple moments, how to express yourself through dance and how to skip along to just about anything. One of the most interesting areas my children teach me most in is about how human behaviourRead… Read more »

The day I went to Google New York

In almost every area they compete Google dominates…mail, maps, search and mobile. With over 500,000 Android devices being activated everyday there is little doubt that Google’s mobile operating system will continue to be a giant contender in the field. So while in New York I popped into their offices to talk with Eric Obenzinger whoRead… Read more »