
FOSE 2011, plus ECM’s Benefits To Your Agency

Last week as I walked the exhibition hall at FOSE 2011, I was amazed at how much innovation is aimed at making our United States Government (the greatest in the world) even better. I had some great conversations with government employees, consultants, and vendors who are trying hard to make agencies more efficient, more effective-inRead… Read more »

News of the Week

Here is a brief list of some of the interesting sustainability news articles from this week: Carbon Bubble Growing, but Markets Aren’t Listening American Airlines Makes Historic Order for Fuel Efficient Airplanes Walgreens to Install EV Charging Stations at 800 Stores GSA Admin Talks Future Workspace And you’ll find more headlines at CEILeadership.org! Original post

Live Blogging the 2011 Next Generation of Government Summit: Morning Keynote (Day 2)

P.S. I’ll be tweeting the Wellness at Work: Get Your Erg On! breakout session starting in just a couple of minutes. Keep an eye out for the #NGGS3 tag and @nextgengovt for updates. 10:30 a.m. Panel Q and A, continued. Q: You’ve found a great new technology that will solve a problem your agency isRead… Read more »

1.USA.gov Hack Day Cheat Sheet

We’re really excited about tomorrow’s 1.USA.gov hack day events. We’re expecting over 50 people to attend the event here in San Diego and I know our partners in DC, NYC, and San Francisco are expecting big turnouts as well. If you’re going to the event in San Diego, go meet our Lindsay who will beRead… Read more »

Iconathons Everywhere!

The Iconathon events are catching on. Since we launched the Iconathon project two weeks ago, we have had overwhelming support from the design & UX communities and many amazing people in cities across the country. We are excited to announce 4 confirmed events in cities across the country (with more in the works.) Cities AugustRead… Read more »

Disabiity Bias

What can one say about a category of people labled disabled. This category includes everyone from an elderly man experiencing chronic depression since the death of his wife, to a young blind woman, to a severely mentally retarded child, to a teenager with a mild learning disability, to a mother in a wheelchair, to aRead… Read more »

Live Blogging the 2011 Next Generation of Government Summit: Luncheon Keynote (Day 1)

12:50 p.m. Talk is over. Q and A time. Thanks for reading. 12:30 p.m. More from Patrick: Digital Government: Social media and civic engagement. E/M/T commerce. Shared/consolidated services. Apps (See/click/fix). Entrepreneurial. “Are you a climber or a coaster?” The one word you should know going forward: Synchronicity. What we’re doing here. Your Career Brand: HaveRead… Read more »