
TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

It was a good week for stocks and TSP stock funds. Volatility continued as we saw large intraday swings but the bulls were able to take control and the indices are now flirting with breaking out to new highs. This is where the market has found trouble the last month so the battle will continueRead… Read more »

Applied Innovation: Creativity Through Competition

Competition can be thrilling and challenging. Here at GovLoop, we’ve all taken Gallup’s Strengthsfinder assessment, which measures an individual’s greatest professional assets. These can include strengths such as achiever, adaptability, discipline, includer, and many more. Many on our team scored high in the category of competition. Many of us, it seems, enjoy the thrill ofRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

It was a negative week for stocks with choppiness throughout and an unsatisfied reaction by investors to the Feds policy statement Wednesday afternoon. Thursday looked promising which some credited to Fed member Janet Yellen’s statements about interest rates staying low and how she felt things were going well for the economy, however that was quicklyRead… Read more »

Acts of Mercy vs. Acts of Justice

One of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s enduring messages during his life was the need to move from acts of mercy to acts of justice. Many in the USA celebrate his birthday in January with community service acts of mercy consistent with the motto, “A Day On, Not a Day Off.” What does he meanRead… Read more »

10 Reasons Not To Miss “The Interview”

Weekends are for movies and if you don’t know what to watch the next time you power up Netflix on your Roku, I would highly recommend “The Interview.” Unfortunately the marketing of this movie was so bad that they almost totally ruined my interest in it. But I should have known that if Seth RogenRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks ended the week on a down note, but overall it was a pretty good holiday-shortened week for the market and all of the TSP stock and bond funds finished with gains. Oil continues to be a drag but the ECB announced a $1.3 trillion QE package and the market loves easy money. Here areRead… Read more »

26 Stats about Women in Government

When we started GovFem, we received a lot of positive feedback (thanks!). But we also got a few questions from GovLoopers about how much progress women have made in government, what resources they have, and what the future looks like for female govies. To give you a better idea of what the landscape looks like forRead… Read more »