
Hacked Off?

Kent County Council is always looking to create innovative and cost-effective methods of delivering services. One way in which this can be done is through hosting local hack-days for creative students and graduates to come together, to contribute and share ideas and to try out new concepts and prototypes. Who would we invite students toRead… Read more »

25 Years of Everyday Emergencies

Recent severe weather across the southern U.S. has focused attention on communities hard-hit by tornadoes and flooding. Residents of the Alabama and Missouri towns recovering from F4 and F5 tornadoes have a long road ahead of them, as do those living along the flood plains of the Mississippi River. David Ladd, a hydrologist/GIS specialist atRead… Read more »

Go Away and Other Advice for Graduates

A little known fact about GovLoop Founder Steve Ressler is that his sister (moi) is an English teacher, and that I too have my own website (it’s just not nearly as popular) called VocabGal about teaching vocabulary. However, I mentioned to Steve that I could write occasionally for his website about different crossover issues likeRead… Read more »

EIA Charts Wind Energy Growth

Last week, the EIA released two great charts that display the expansion of the country’s wind energy capacity in the years after 2005. In the chart above, 2009 stands out as a particularly great year for wind. But 2010 did not build on the momentum from 2009; why? According to the EIA’s brief text thatRead… Read more »

5 Things Harry Potter Can Teach Us About Government Contracting

I originally posted this on GovWin for the release of Harry Potter, and realized a lot of this still connects to federal employees as well. For the broad information that does relate to just contractors, it will at least provide some insight from our side. As J.K. Rowling’s boy wizard franchise prepares to close withRead… Read more »

Tuesday’s political law links

WHAT HAPPENED IN THE WHITE HOUSE? The Hill. “The Republican National Committee on Monday asked the Department of Justice to investigate whether the president’s reelection fundraising broke federal law.” INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS? The Hill. “A watchdog group on Monday called for an outside investigation of the House Ethics Committee.” NOT GUILTY PLEA IN MD ROBOCALLRead… Read more »

Honoring Fallen Civil Servants

Nearly three thousand federal civil servants have died in the line of duty since 1992. They represent a wide range of federal agencies, yet the federal government has no program or policy in place to provide a U.S. burial flag for these fallen heroes. This glaring omission was the subject of an Op-Ed in TheRead… Read more »

Britain…Open to Outsourcing

With various governments limiting the amount of outsourcing programs, Mark Kobayashi-Hillary predicts that the Indian, Brazilian and Chinese IT industries will become the best in the world… By: Mark Kobayashi-Hillar Who can remember that distant hazy past where Barack Obama was campaigning to become president of the USA and he talked of creating more AmericanRead… Read more »

The NextDrop Initiative

This post was written on the Health Unbound website in development last month in my writing role there to highlight innovative global health projects. As an update, big congrats to the NextDrop team for recently winning the Knight Foundation News Challenge. The confidence most of us have in our local municipal systems to provide consistentRead… Read more »