
News of the Week

Here is a brief list of some of the interesting sustainability news articles from this week: Los Angeles Expands Recycling to Food and Drink Cartons USDA Establishes 19,000 Acres for Biomass Crop Miscanthus Small Wind Turbines Getting Popular, Home Depot Starts Selling Them Inexpensive Grid Stability Solutions And you’ll find more headlines at CEILeadership.org! OriginalRead… Read more »

Off to see “The Woz”

Among the many awesome sessions and keynotes at next week’s 2011 FOSE Conference and Exposition conference, this one looks really cool. Have you ever wanted to learn more about how to be a rockstar innovator in any environment? Ever wanted to enter the mind of Apple co-founder Steve “The Woz” Wozniak? Here’s your chance! “TheRead… Read more »

Planning Your Military Transition

In this video ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Specialist Patra Frame talks about the importance of military personnel using the transition services that are available to them when planning their transition to the civilian work world. Many others have traveled this road before so learn from their mistakes, don’t repeat them. It’s helpful to talk to folks whoRead… Read more »

New on VoxPopuLII: Walters on The End of Private Copyright in Public Statutes

Ed Walters, Esq., of FastCase has posted Tear Down This (Pay)Wall: The End of Private Copyright in Public Statutes, on the VoxPopuLII Blog, published by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. In this post, Mr. Walters describes the extent to which U.S. state governments and for-profit legal publishers assert copyright in U.S.Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: July 15, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Why, Yes, We Do Have a Web Site for That. As one of his parting gifts, Vivek Kundra has given Americans a complete listing of all 1,759 federal government Web sites, including the site detailing the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, http://www.papahanaumokuakea.gov, which is pronounced pretty much exactly as it’s spelled. Listen. Is ItRead… Read more »

TARTA to build solar array at headquarters

The Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (OH) received a $1 million grant from the Federal Transit Authority to build a solar-panel array at its headquarters and to replace the facility’s lights with energy-efficient equipment. “Toledo is increasingly recognized as the solar capital of the Midwest, so this award is particularly fitting,” said U.S. Rep. MarcyRead… Read more »

Opening Up Your Ideas for Open Data

Posted by openkent on July 13, 2011 With the constraints we face, councils need to explore more agile and efficient ways of developing and making use of technology. At the same time, there is a massive opportunity to open up the development of ideas and solutions to people who have ideas and skills in howRead… Read more »

Deputy Secretary of Defense Lynn: Cyber Strategy’s Thrust is Defensive

Note: The following piece from the Pentagon’s news service is being provided as a service to our readers, most of whom track this type of information very closely. Lynn: Cyber Strategy’s Thrust is Defensive By Karen Parrish American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, July 14, 2011 – In March, a cyber attack on a defense company’sRead… Read more »

American Citizenship 101

Celebrating American Citizenship A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated American Independence Day with all of the usual festivities. We commemorated our nation’s birthday by attending a parade, watching the night sky light up with fireworks in downtown Houston or enjoying a three-day weekend with family and friends. Moments like these remind us just howRead… Read more »