
Crowdsourcing a Competition

We developed a concept called “Transformed by You” to involve people to come up with ideas and work with students and entrepreneurs to help turn them into prototypes. You can see here some of what was developed. If you missed the activities last time round, you’ll be pleased to know we’re doing it again, butRead… Read more »


I recently came across an article in The Space Review, June 4, 2007, (head, title, date and author: [quote] ‘Take off and nuke the site from orbit (it’s the only way to be sure…)’ [unquote], by Dwayne A. Day’ at:http://www.thespacereview.com/article/882/1It was an important find for me. Sputnik had generated “SLOMAR” (Space Logistics, Operations, Maintenance andRead… Read more »

Trouble Brewing in Minnesota

As the Minnesota state government shutdown nears the two-week mark, residents may be facing another yet another inconvenience: no beer. MillerCoors is being force to pull its products from restaurants, bars, and stores across the state due to a brand licensing problem, according to the Associated Press. Department of Public Safety spokesman Doug Neville saidRead… Read more »

25 Years of Feds Helping Feds

During the summer of 1986, federal budgets were being cut, the federal workforce was being reduced and many elected officials were particularly critical of federal employees. It was not a “warm and fuzzy” time to be a fed. Until G. Jerry Shaw called Bob Tobias and invited him to lunch. Shaw was then a formerRead… Read more »

Discussing the Future of Urban Transportation

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player. Here is the line that got our attention from the video above, produced by Energy Opportunities: “If you want creativity, cut one zero from your budget. If you want sustainability, cut two.” – Jaime Lerner, Urban Planner and Ex-Mayor – Curitiba, Brazil EnergyRead… Read more »

Should Montreal buses be air-conditioned?

As riders endure July’s oppressive heat, Société de transport de Montréal (QC) is asking its customers whether they want air-conditioned buses. The survey — which, in a ironic twist, is being distributed to riders on STM’s handful of air-conditioned buses — also asks passengers whether they would be willing to pay more for air-conditioned busesRead… Read more »

MBTA seeks rider feedback on new locomotives

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is seeking public feedback on the design for its new diesel-electric locomotives. Over the next two weeks, visitors to the MBTA website can cast their ballots for one of three designs. “This is an exciting time for commuter rail, and we’d like to make our customers a part of it,”Read… Read more »

Women’s World Cup 2011 – THE HOMER EDITION – from the Hokie Guru, your Bureaucrat on Sports

I know people are tired of that debt ceiling fight and all… let’s try to think of something good that’s not inside the beltway… Here’s what it would sound like if Gus Johnson and Bill “Onions” Raftery called the USA’s tie goal in its quarterfinal match up with Brazil: And here’s the real call fromRead… Read more »