
Creating a citizen movement for open government

Hi folks, I’m new to the GovLoop community. It was recommended that I post this here and get some feedback. Originally posted on opensource.com. The article is CC-BY-SA, attributions Jason Hibbets. How do you get techies, govies, and citizens to identify, collaborate, and start creating solutions for your local government? Host a CityCamp. It’s easierRead… Read more »

How Stunning Storytelling Can Advance Your Career (FREE Online Training)

More than 230 GovLoopers have responded to a challenge from Dave Dejewski to explain what they do in 7 words or less and Jeffrey Levy has asked: “Can you tweet what you offer an employer?” While the responses are clever, you’ve got to wonder if 7 words or 140 characters are enough to tell yourRead… Read more »

5 tips for a supercharged procurement process

By: Gavin Bowden-Hall in Share0 “The private sector has no reason to stimulate a healthy market so truly ‘open competition’ is rarely undertaken… without adopting a best-practice procurement process, and orchestrating an open competition, how can business be sure of value for money? Or is it that ‘value’ is just measured differently, and is lessRead… Read more »

Who is at the table for the Debt Ceiling talks?

So, the President, members of Congress, the Secretary of Treasury, Chief of the Federal Reserve ( I am sure) are all sitting around the “round table” discussing our nation’s future. They are deciding what is best for you and I from our work life to our home life, someone else is making the decisions. Hmmm…Read… Read more »

The New Apple vs. PC: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Google+ Beta

I’ve been making this case from the middle ground for a while now: What we have here is an up and coming “battle” of social networking sites that will ultimately hinge on people’s personal preference, ability to be influenced by the masses, and even driven by their discontent with the competing technology. Or, to putRead… Read more »

Is Twitter a Mainstream Media Company?

Last week, President Obama took part in the first “Twitter Townhall” event, hosted in the East Room of the White House. I was on the scene to take it all in. The event led to widespread general coverage (see articles from Forbes and Bloomberg, for example) and what could be considered a public relations boonRead… Read more »

Tuesday’s political law links

NO CORPORATE MONEY IN AZ RECALL. Here’s a blog post on the topic from The Recall Elections Blog. RECALL SEASON IN WI. The Times. “On Tuesday, residents in some parts of the state will vote in primary elections that are part of the broadest recall effort in state history. ” WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL AND POLITICALRead… Read more »

TTC activates real-time bus info

The Toronto Transit Commission (ON) launched real-time arrival information for its bus system on Monday. Arrival predictions are available for 9,300 TTC stops inside Toronto as well as 800 regional stops served by TTC contracted vehicles. Information is available by text message and online from both TTC and NextBus; signs also display the information atRead… Read more »

What Can Warren Buffett Teach Us About User Adoption?

This article was originally published on the Tri Tuns Blog. IN THE NEWS In a recent interview on CNBC Warren Buffett said that he could end the federal deficit in five minutes. “I could end the deficit in five minutes. You just pass a law that says that any time there’s a deficit of moreRead… Read more »

QR Codes

Aol. gave out T shirts with a one foot QR code (one of those square black and white bar-codes that looks like a maze) on the front. I was wearing mine when Jeremy, a cashier at Trader Joe’s, snapped a picture with his phone and showed me the website that came up, while he wasRead… Read more »