
McMillan: Eight Rules of E-Filing

James E. McMillan of the National Center for State Courts has begun a new series of posts on court e-filing systems, entitled Eight Rules of E-Filing, at Court Technology Bulletin. (Click here for Part 2 in the series.) Mr. McMillan explains that in many U.S. court systems, “physical case files” continue to play a prominentRead… Read more »

Day in the GovLife: Raymond Limon, Chief Human Capital Officer at CNCS

A Day In The GovLife is series that profiles people in interesting or unusual government jobs and gets the scoop on what it’s like to be in that role and how you can get there. Day In The GovLife Interviewee: Raymond Limon Job: Chief Human Capital Officer at the Corporation for National and Community ServiceRead… Read more »

Federal Mentoring Roundtable: Diversity, Leadership, Mentoring and You

Last week, I was excited to roll out GovLoop’s brand new, first-of-its-kind, government-wide mentoring program. In just one week, over 70 mentors have signed up! Thank you to everyone who’s signed up so far – and it’s not too late for more mentors to come on board. We’d love to have 150 mentors on theRead… Read more »

News of the Week

Here is a brief list of some of the interesting sustainability news articles from this week: Smart Meter Shipments to Top 100m in 2011 Budget woes could hurt push for solar power Air Force issues guidance to streamline environmental reviews Green Build Briefing: Top 10 Markets, Product Rankings, LEED Certifications And you’ll find more headlinesRead… Read more »

Lots of Open Data Action in Canada

A lot of movement on the open data (and not so open data) front in Canada. Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Open Data Portal Launched Some readers may remember that last week I wrote a post about the imminent launch of CIDA’s open data portal. The site is now live and has a healthy amountRead… Read more »

In Business as in Sport: Straight Sets of Training and Professional Development

Jason Novosel, Novo Horizons Management Training, our guest blogger gave me a quote this morning: “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” (George Horace Lorimer). I thought this would be a good day to look south to my Australian colleague for his answers onRead… Read more »

Public financing, Twitter town hall lobbying, a fundraiser abroad, and more political law links

PUBLIC FUNDING STORY. Roll Call. “Obama’s success has set the stage for a 2012 campaign in which serious contenders must raise hundreds of millions of dollars more than public financing provides, meaning the fund will only benefit dark-horse candidates who have little money and little chance of winning a general election.” NEW REPORT ON PUBLICRead… Read more »

The Meaning of Accountability

The word “accountability” ranks right up there with “freedom,” “justice,” and “democracy” – words commonly used and thought to be understood by all. But that is wrong. It is a term that is complex and misunderstood, and subject to abuse in political discourse. But more importantly, because there is a lack of clarity, there areRead… Read more »