
July 7: NCCUSL to Consider Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act

The Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act — formerly called The Authentication and Preservation of State Electronic Legal Materials Act — will be considered by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) at their upcoming annual meeting, on 7 July 2011, in Vail, Colorado. The Act would establish uniform legal standards for theRead… Read more »

Seven Management Imperatives: Imperative Two: Leverage Hyperconnectivity

From the Pony Express in 1860 to today’s digital revolution, the scope of our connectivity has increased in every dimension. Our connections are faster, farther-flung, and more complete and immersive than ever before. In the last decade, however, we have crossed a significant threshold, from connectivity into hyperconnectivity. As an example, most urban Americans areRead… Read more »

Sales and Courts

I watched a litigator is trying to sell by banging and haranguing on the prospect. After the prospect left (at a high rate of speed), the litigator asked for some tips on his sales technique. In the law world, when a case finally gets to court, the two sides are essentially chained together and executeRead… Read more »

Political law links for today

LOOKING FOR MCCOMISH V. BENNETT? Check SCOTUSBlog around 10 a.m. today. QUESTIONS ON PRESIDENT’S TRIPS. The Post. MICRODONOR STRATEGY 2012. Bloomberg. “Donors who pledge $75,800 to the Obama Victory Fund will be named ‘Presidential Partners’ and will be invited to quarterly campaign briefings that are sometimes attended by the president, said a Democratic official whoRead… Read more »

Apps contests for non-programmers

In a welcome twist for people with good ideas but no programming skills, two U.S. cities are trying a new take on the latest trend in applications development — the competition. In New York City, the NYC BigAppsIdea challenge is asking the public to share the apps they want for residents, businesses, and visitors.To enterRead… Read more »

Generation Y and Public Management: Issues and Implications [Live Blog from Paris]

Good morning. I am live blogging from the Ministry of Finance in Paris, France, where I am participating in an event hosted by the Institut de la Gestion Publique (Institute for Public Management). This marks the 10th year of an annual event and this year’s theme is “Generation Y and Public Management: Issues and Implications.”Read… Read more »

Legal Informatics / Legal Communication Papers @ ICA 2011

The following legal informatics or legal communication papers were presented at ICA 2011: The Conference of the International Communication Association, held 26-30 May 2011, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (Click here for the full conference program. If you know of other legal communication or legal informatics papers presented at the conference, please feel free to mentionRead… Read more »

MOSES – Ramping up Government Use of Virtual Worlds

We’ve been fortunate to have a group of federal employees from the US who are dedicated and passionate about government use of virtual worlds. The work accomplished by Eric Hackathorn (NOAA), William May and Lovisa Williams (State Dept), Charles White and Jeanne Holm (NASA), Paulette Robinson (NDU), and Douglas Maxwell and Tami Griffith (US Army)Read… Read more »

ALA 2011: Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall

The ALA Annual Conference and Exhibit is in gear in New Orleans, LA. This conference brings together more than 25,000 librarians, educators, authors, publishers, literacy experts, illustrators and the leading suppliers to the market. (2011 ALA Conference Overview) One of my favorite things about ALA is the huge exhibit hall. it’s worth attending the conferenceRead… Read more »