
5 min blog post – #localgovcamp

I can’t write it all. Honest, there’s too much learning I took away on both a personal and professional level to do that. So lets try bitesize. We’re pushing boundaries at work at the moment on so many fronts. Internal comms, external comms, internal collaboration, external collaboration, new campaign styles, new websites (that cos nowt),Read… Read more »

LocalGovCamp 2011

Saturday’s LocalGovCamp was a marvellous day, entirely thanks to the superb organisation of Digital Birmingham’s Simon Whitehouse and Sammy Williams; and of course the 130-odd people who turned up on the day, giving up the best part of their weekends to talk about work. Also: thanks to the great sponsors who made the event aRead… Read more »

Planning continues for the FedCyber.com Government-Industry Computer Security Summit

Two weeks ago we pre-announced the FedCyber.com Government-Industry Computer Security Summit. On 28 September 2011 a small number of cyber innovators, computer security practitioners and information assurance experts will gather in an attempt to map out new paths for positive change in the cyber security dynamic.This summit seeks dramatically enhance the state of security andRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Spending Money To Train Citizens How To Use Your Site

Could this be the future? Brian Heaton of Government Technology wrote Wednesday that at least one local government will soon be offering online training to educate citizens on how to use their new and improved website. The Community Digital Forum, to be held Wednesday, June 29, will feature hands-on instruction on how to navigate theRead… Read more »

Using the Hourglass to Respond to Questions in a Crisis

Here at EPA, we were quite busy this spring providing information about radiation levels resulting from the earthquake and tsunami that damaged Japanese nuclear reactors. Check out the site! Now we’re thinking about lessons learned, and one thing I came up with was a concept of a question/answer “hourglass,” where we take in questions fromRead… Read more »

Can’t tell you if a product complies with Section 508

As part of my team’s job supporting the BuyAccessible Wizard, we often get questions asking if a specific product complies with Section 508. This is a question we can’t answer. Remember it is the agency itself that must comply with Section 508, not the product or the services. When an agency is determining the requirementsRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: June 17. 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Vivek Kundra to Leave White House in August. OMB Director Jack Lew has a nice good-bye post on the WH Blog for Vivek Kundra, who announced that he is leaving the administration in August for a fellowship at Harvard. Need to Find an Embassy? Look up a Travel Alert? There’s an App forRead… Read more »

Cleveland considers new policy for fare cheats

The Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (OH) may soften its policy against fare evaders by giving scofflaws two days to pay a $50 fine before charging them with a crime. Under the current system, riders caught without paying receive a ticket and are charged with a fourth-degree misdemeanor; they can avoid a trial by payingRead… Read more »