
These are not the requirements you are looking for…

How do you “engage stakeholders” and “gather requirements” in 2011? Outside the workplace, people and technology have co-evolved. We Facebook,” we text, we tweet, some of us “check in,” all while listening to music that is streaming to us on customized or micro-segmented “radio” channels. We connect with friends long moved away, we coordinate overRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Resumes 101, World of Gov-craft, and Random Hacks of Kindness

Congratulations! You made it through another week, which means it’s time for the… Friday Fab 5! Don’t power down that laptop or blackberry quite yet. We had a lot of great content this past week on GovLoop, and it’s now time to highlight some of the top contributions. Today’s Blog of the Week is actuallyRead… Read more »

The Passing of an Amazing Public Servant — Maynard Hill

Today I was saddened to read of the passing of Maynard Hill in the Washington Post. Mr. Hill was a pioneer in unmanned aerial vehicles, and set many records for speed, duration, and altitude for radio-controlled aircraft. His most recent was the first trans-Atlantic flight of a model aircraft in 2003. I interviewed Maynard HillRead… Read more »

UK rail data to be available for national hack day

Developers participating in London’s national Hack Day competition will have access to live departure data from National Rail Enquiries (UK). “Since we began licensing apps a few years ago, we’ve dealt with numerous individual developers who have gone on to produce highly successful programs that are used more than a hundred thousand times a day,”Read… Read more »

European solar tunnel to power high-speed trains

Solar panels covering a 2.2-mile Belgian tunnel will generate enough electricity to power 4,000 high-speed trains traveling between Paris and Amsterdam each year. The tunnel was built to protect trains from falling trees in a forest near Antwerp. “For train operators, it is the perfect way to cut their carbon footprints because you can useRead… Read more »

Denver fare enforcement goes digital

Denver’s Regional Transportation District (CO) has given its police force new tools to catch fare cheats. With electronic ID-inspection devices and wireless printers, transit police can scan a driver’s license to check the passenger’s fare-compliance record. ”Until May, all officers had to use the radio to call in a name check,” said transit police chiefRead… Read more »

Being Vulnerable

Even typing the word vulnerable puts me into a quiet, soft mood—not normally the way most people would describe me. In a world where we are taught that harm lurks around every corner and we need to watch our backs, the last thing we want is to be vulnerable. Yet, what kind of world haveRead… Read more »