
State of Immigration Reform in the States

In the past year, state policymakers and Congress introduced nearly one thousand bills dealing with immigration. These bills cover a range of issues, from suspending deportations of legalization-eligible youth to proposing STEM green card programs for the employment of highly-skilled foreign workers in the information technology industry. Caving to pressure from the Democratic party, PresidentRead… Read more »

Why Ask Questions?

The average four-year-old girl asks 390 questions per day, mostly to her mother. Yep, you read that right. Three hundred ninety. Sorry, Mom. Warren Berger, our keynote speaker at GovLoop’s State and Local Innovators Virtual Summit and author of A More Beautiful Question, said this number isn’t all that surprising. At that young age, childrenRead… Read more »

8 Ways to Build an Economy That Works for Everyone

On Monday, Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez spoke at the National Press Club. His speech, “Shared Prosperity: Building an Economy that Works for Everyone,” provided insights on current policy focus areas at the Department of Labor. He opened by reminding the audience of a phrase used by President Obama during a rally in Milwaukee: “ByRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks went on another wild ride last week as the extreme volatility continued. We did see a capitulation-like sell-off on Wednesday that may have marked a temporary bottom, and on Friday stocks rallied to end the week. Here are the weekly, monthly, and annual TSP fund returns for the week ending October 17: The stockRead… Read more »

Fighting Human Trafficking with the EEOC

Drugs and illegal firearms. These are usually the first things to pop in your head when you think of the black market. But what is another, less easily documented crime? Human trafficking. Yes, slavery still exists today. And human trafficking is currently one of the fastest growing black market activities, with unreported cases numbering inRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Volatility is king and the wild swings in the market have investors on edge. We have had 13 triple digit moves in the Dow in the last 19 days. Last week alone saw four, and three of them were 272-point or more… in both directions. It’s no wonder investors are confused and concerned. Fear isRead… Read more »

7 Lyrics to Guide Young Government Professionals

Let’s be real. Being young in the government is not easy. Yes, it’s a privilege to serve your country. And yes, the opportunities in government are often endless. But you’re also entry-level in a bureaucratic, top-heavy organization, where many of your colleagues are significantly older and more experienced than you. That being the case, it’sRead… Read more »

How To Reduce Your Workplace Stress

“No man becomes rich unless he enriches others.” – Andrew Carnegie Did you know that scientific evidence shows that helping others is actually beneficial for your own mental health and well-being? Yes, giving can actually reduce stress as well as improve your mood, self-esteem and happiness. In fact, according to the article, The Science ofRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks resumed their downward slide early last week but finally stabilized on Thursday morning and rallied strongly into Friday. The week ended with losses, but it could have been a lot worse if not for the big reversal, and Friday morning’s better than expected jobs report helped complete what looks like a potential “V” bottom.Read… Read more »