
Keep (more than) your pants on

My previous post, giving a bit of advice for people wanting to be active online and yet stay out of trouble at work, missed one vital point: Don’t post pictures of your groin on the internet – especially if you’ve only got your pants on. Original post

If I had the top hat of my organization, my plan of action would be…

For many years, before my public servant days, i was a civilian looking into the government’s operations and hating every darn minute of it! I enjoyed finding flaws in every process level that, when I think about it now, it seems so evil of me. Today, I am a public servant. And I have enjoyedRead… Read more »

I Haven’t Trusted My Toaster for 15 Years

Our Nation’s Greatest Strategic Thinkers Are Published at NDU Fifteen years ago three national security strategists published a paper which would resonate with a new crop of cyber practitioners in the Department of Defense, Intelligence and Law Enforcement Communities titled “Information Terrorism: Can You Trust Your Toaster?” This paper, by Matt Devost, Brian Houghton andRead… Read more »

Ask Ken

During the past 14 years, I have had the privilege of consulting with some of the leading Fortune 1000 corporations and over 50 Federal agencies. In service of our clients, Strategic Partners’ network of coaches, consultants, trainers and partner firms has been extremely generous in responding to my requests for information. I am a bigRead… Read more »

Illinois examines next phase, 220-mph high speed rail

Tweet Illinois will be examining the next phase of high-speed rail through a new study group that includes the University of Illinois, the Illinois Department of Transportation and private sector. The group is looking at the feasibility of 220-mph passenger rail service between Chicago, Urbana-Champaign and beyond. Currently, the state is building a 110-mph railRead… Read more »

Summer’s Here! Got Volunteers?

Of the organizations that have written expectations and standard operating procedures for contacting customers (which most don’t), the vast majority focus only on full-time permanent staff. This is a BIG hole in the impressions you make on your customers. Volunteers, part-time, and seasonal people represent your organization too. They form just as much of anRead… Read more »

The Weekly Spark – Week of June 3, 2011

The Weekly Spark – Week of June 3, 2011 The text of this FYI posting is passed along freely and verbatim as ‘public service’ and potentially essential public information drawn from the Weekly Spark of June 3, 2011*. The excerpted info for this post are titles, plus ‘lede’ sentences, abstracts and links of items previouslyRead… Read more »

CfA Summer Open House

Summer is upon us at Code for America! How do I know this, you may ask, since the weather in San Francisco has been so…well, un-summerlike (read: foggy, cold, and yes even rainy!)? Why, it’s because we have our summer interns starting on Monday! And they will certainly brighten our spirits despite Mother Nature! WeRead… Read more »