
Will Synthetic Trees Remove CO2 in the Future?

Researchers at Columbia University have developed an artificial tree. Why would we want artificial trees? Well, these trees can absorb CO2 about 1,000 times faster than natural trees, and will store it in its “leaves” until it is processed. Of course this prompts the question, “what’s the correct level of CO2 for the atmosphere?” ButRead… Read more »

Inspiration through Momentum!

Think about what inspires you. We probably all have a mental checklist: intelligence, discipline, perseverance, vision, compassion, etc. But what about “momentum”? By momentum, I mean the combination of physical and intangible inertia that you generate throughout the day. There are certain people that seem to always be driving forward. Their presence makes you sitRead… Read more »

The Art of Letting Go: Freeing Up Grief, Defusing Power Struggles and Inspiring Flow

The phrase “letting go” has long been a vital part of my stress management overview, especially related to breaking the “erosive spiral” of that all-consuming “b”-word. (When it comes to stress, actually, a number of emotionally charged “b” words jump to mind, for example, “botox,” or when you have a BMW colleague, which I recentlyRead… Read more »

TriMet stops testing audible warning system

TriMet (OR) has stopped testing an audible pedestrian-warning system in its buses, saying that the system is not effective. The warnings, which said “Pedestrians, bus is turning” in English and Spanish, did not deploy correctly. In a statement, TriMet said that the timing for the automated announcements was off. During a turn, the message cameRead… Read more »

Memorial Day 2011

This Memorial Day, let’s honor the men and women who have served – not simply for the way that they died, but for the way they lived. They stood for something. They served. In some cases, they had the courage to deliberately go into harms way. They trained. They wrote letters. They made mistakes. TheyRead… Read more »

Hadoop for Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics is the application of computer science in the form of statistics and analytics to molecular biology. This exciting field is bringing about great breakthroughs, especially in genetics, where computers and algorithms are being used to map genomes. Advances in this field show promise in helping us understand life and advance science. The field isRead… Read more »

Honoring Memorial Day

Today, across the country, we observe Memorial Day. There are barbeques and tee times, family gatherings and neighborhood parties, but at the core, of course, is the solemn recognition and appreciate of the service performed by men and women in uniform throughout our history. Here at Code for America, we’re grateful for their work andRead… Read more »

Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise Conference 6-9 June 2011

The Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise (DI2E) is an overarching construct for integrating operational intelligence capabilities in support of DoD missions. This community is closely related to the DoD Intelligence Information System (DoDIIS) community, but the focus here is more on the operational military. Here is a bit from the DI2E conference site: The first DefenseRead… Read more »