
Memorial Day 2011

Although no sculptured marble should rise to their memory, nor engraved stone bear record of their deeds, yet will their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honored. Daniel Webster They fell, but o’er their glorious grave Floats free the banner of the cause they died to save. Francis Marion Crawford Perform, then, thisRead… Read more »

High Performance Clusters – Unleashing an Innovation Nation

Image via Wikipedia When setting up OpenRFP.net as an prototype example of Open Government, I was keenly motivated by a number of ideas from other sources, in particular Cisco’s ‘Next Generation Cluster’. First, other ideas that went in included one that was the real ‘secret sauce’ – Forward Commitment Procurement. This is one of thoseRead… Read more »

We’re on GovLoop

GovLoop is my favourite example of tailoring a social web community towards a particular audience. It’s absolutely the best medium for catalyzing new ideas and spreading best practices at the speed of thought. I have set up a new group to cater for our forthcoming Open Government Canada webinar, you can virtually meet and greetRead… Read more »

Redefining Success: Is There Only One Way To An Education?

The question of whether or not a college education pays has been rumbling on the sidelines of reform discussions for some years. It got a renewed kick in the rear this week when PayPal co-founder, Facebook investor and billionaire Peter Thiel offered 20 promising young people a $100,000 not to go to college and insteadRead… Read more »

More Funding Released for Insurance Exchanges

INPUT Analyst Kate Tussey reports. In the world of health care, it seems federal funding is ever flowing. Yesterday, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a round of health insurance exchange establishment grants to Indiana, Rhode Island, and Washington state, totaling an estimated $35 million. Washington state is receiving $23 million, whichRead… Read more »

One in five MetroCard swipes falls short

As the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY) looks to a contactless future, an agency report estimates that MetroCards fail 20% of the time, requiring passengers to swipe their cards more than once to get through the turnstile. MTA officials chalk up the failure rate to multiple factors. Sometimes the card is defective, expired, or damaged; otherRead… Read more »