
Determining the Type of Website Best Suited for Non-profits

Most industries (i.e. legal, medical, finance, etc.) prefer their content management solution be customized to meet their specific needs. Non-profit organizations prefer that their solution be customized as well but they face a difficult hurdle: funding. A non-profit organization’s yearly budget lies solely on the generosity of donors and grants that are awarded by statesRead… Read more »

How to Make the Journey Relevant

Imagine you’re organizing an event and you’re asking people to participate. You’re trying to persuade them to join you. The story you tell them should include one or more personal benefits each of them may realize by participating. In his latest post on business storytelling, Ira shared three tips for inspiring others to action throughRead… Read more »

Tee Up For Power

I got blasted on a discussion site. A three week n00b posted that my post wasn’t pertinent to what she thought the site should be about. It was her first post on a site where I have been assistant mayor for a couple of years. I didn’t respond, what could I say? Then a budRead… Read more »

“Let’s Do It!” Inspires Citizens to Fight Urban Blight

via Shareable I think I first learned of the “Let’s Do It!” movement from a small mention in a magazine article. What I remember more clearly is looking it up on YouTube and becoming incredibly inspired by how a small group of friends, in the tiny northern European country of Estonia, had taken on theRead… Read more »

Book it! Scheduling User Adoption activities is a must to ensure long-term IT success.

This article was originally published on Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATION We have all experienced this: a round of discussions generating wonderful ideas, with a promise to reconvene and determine next action items. The problem is those action items rarely become a reality, because there was never a sufficient amount of follow-through to act on thoseRead… Read more »


Cross-posted from Wired to Share In case you missed my excessive tweets and Facebook posts over the past few days, it’s now public that I’m leaving City of San Francisco to join Jim Gilliam and Jesse Haff’s 3dna, the company behind Act.ly and NationBuilder. I will be the “chief organizer” for NationBuilder, evangelizing the tool,Read… Read more »