
I Choose to Remember the Good

What do you remember about September 11th? In the weeks following, I found myself driving around San Diego, my home. I took hundreds of pictures of the flags displayed on homes, schools, businesses, and churches. I remember feeling patriotism in a way I had not since I was a kid. The tragedy of that dayRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

For stocks it was a week of faded opens. All week we saw stocks open in one direction, only to close in the opposite direction. There seems to be an air of indecision out there. The week ended with a disappointing jobs report, but in a world where down is up and up is down,Read… Read more »

Fixing USAJobs, Comments Abound

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Are you looking out your window and witnessing a government stampede out the doors? Is your office looking empty? Probably. The Office of Personnel Management reported that more than 114,000 people left the federal government last year – mostly through retirements. To give you a better picture, the 114,000 departures isRead… Read more »

Former CTO Todd Park New Gig

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Meet the woman who guided a U.S. initiative to provide safe drinking water to 5 million people in Kenya and Uganda, saving lives and preventing illnesses for thousands of individuals. Meet the Service to America Nominee. You can find all of our programs online: DorobekINSIDER.com and GovLoop Insights at http://insights.govloop.com. ButRead… Read more »

Meet GovLoop’s Featured Bloggers!

Last month, we put out a call for our second round of GovLoop Featured Bloggers – and you responded with amazing enthusiasm. Over 100 people (double the number who entered for our first round!) from all walks of government and industry life sent in great ideas for posts, about everything from technology challenges in cityRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

It was a wild pre-holiday week for stocks but many indices managed to close near their highs for the week. The geopolitical environment remains tense keeping investors on edge, and we got a stronger than expected GDP report on Thursday that had some folks worried it might get the Fed to start tightening their monetaryRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

It was a big week for the stock market as the indices continued their rally off of the early August lows. We’ve seen this kind of action before as once again the bulls took charge after the bears failed to take the market down to an elusive 10% correction. Here are the weekly, monthly, andRead… Read more »

Moving on Up: Advancing Your Government Career

We’re all looking to advance our skills, get better at our current job and move up the leadership ladder, but how do you actually do it? Moderated by Steve Ressler, Founder and CEO of Govloop, our online training featured two career coaches who answered your questions. Adam Smith, Principal at ASC, LLC Beth Flores, FounderRead… Read more »

Jeff Neal Urges Organizations to Update Their Outlook on Senior Executive Service

‘You can’t step into the same river twice.’ Unfortunately, the federal government likes to step in the same river as many times as it can. But some industry leaders are demanding a federal reform in order to keep pace with the changing demographics of government. Jeff Neal, Senior Vice President at ICF International, spoke withRead… Read more »