
Got Influence? Nonprofit news, a guilty plea, Vermont solicitations, and more political law links for today

ROGERS’ NONPROFITS IN THE NEWS. Politico reports. “Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.), the new chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, has funneled more than $236 million in federal funds since 2000 to a web of nonprofit groups he created back home in the Bluegrass State, according to a new report by an ethics watchdog group.” GUILTYRead… Read more »

Science on Wheels

Greetings from the new Science Library at the Unviersity of Western Australia. The library has a relatively conservative interior design, blending a traditional library with that of a new learning commons. The colour pallet is muted, with blond wood panelling matching the cream coloured concrete, which reflects the tones of limestone blocks of the campus’sRead… Read more »

Dress for Success in Everything You Do

My oldest son and I attended a ceremony for newly licensed drivers at the County courthouse the other day. Like any other parent-son activity, I seized the opportunity to use it as a teachable moment – this time on dressing for success. When I was growing up, business suits were reserved for special occasions. MyRead… Read more »

Marriage scams

Marriage is give and take- don’t let a wedding scam take you by surprise. From bogus bridal shows to fake dress labels and no-show vendors, scam artists are out to cash in on the big day. Original post

The Federal Coach: Why Do So Many ‘Slugs’ Keep Their Jobs?

This week’s question comes from a former federal employee who wants to know why so many non-performing federal employees are allowed to keep their jobs. Please continue sharing your questions, ideas and suggestions by commenting below or sending an email to [email protected]. While I was surprised to hear about President Obama’s recent comment that someRead… Read more »

A recap of the New Jersey NENA conference

INPUT analyst Evan Halperin recaps last week’s New Jersey NENA conference. The conference began with former New York firefighter Captain Alfredo Fuentes giving a chilling recollection of his experience on 9/11 nearly a decade ago. Captain Fuentes has been a consultant and provided his expertise on a number of emergency situations including the Oklahoma CityRead… Read more »

Startups With Real Revenue Can Get Venture Capital by StartUpPro

I just read the Q1 2011 report from CB Insights, which shows venture capital is back. Overall, investors put $7.5 billion to work across 738 financing deals with U.S. startups. That represents a $1.5 billion jump in funding over the same quarter of 2010 with a similar number of deals, so it clearly shows aRead… Read more »

Great resources for government websites best practices

I am working on a project of revamping our Court’s public website and we are making every attempt to ensure we do it right this time. We are soliciting feedback from our audiences and are doing a lot of research on best practices. I recently found a great government site which outlines many of theRead… Read more »