
DorobekINSIDER LIVE: Combing through Cloud Computing

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We’re LIVE! We meet every month with the simple idea, get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. LISTEN TO THE ARCHIVE When does a technology fad become real? It usually starts with buzzwords likeRead… Read more »

Cut Out of Your Spouse’s Annuity?

http://www.psretirement.com/cut-out-of-spouses-survivor-annuity/ Federal Retirement Survivor Annuity Eligibility This is a very sad story but true and eye opening. I recently had a woman come to me in tears about having some difficulty receiving herdeceased spouse’s survivor annuity. She said that she had contacted OPM after her husband’s sudden death and was told that she was notRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

After a couple of weeks of selling, stocks started to rebound from some extreme oversold conditions last week. The question now is whether we have seen the lows or if this is just a relief rally. Geopolitical events are still playing catalyst as solid gains on Friday quickly turned into losses when violence was sparkedRead… Read more »

Are You Ready For Some Football?

The GOV LOOP NFL Pool for the 2014-2015 season is officially open! No buy-in, no pay-out, no money involved, just bragging rights for the week and a beautiful metal water bottle prize for most correct picks over the season. While I post the picksheets in the BREAK ROOM group’s NFL POOL discussion, you might wantRead… Read more »

VA Referrals to Private Doctors

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: In government, we often talk about the importance of building public-private partnerships. In San Jose, they aren’t just talking about building partnerships – they’re actually doing it. We talk to the woman making it happen, Lea King. You can find all of our programs online: DorobekINSIDER.com and GovLoop Insights at http://insights.govloop.com.Read… Read more »

Explanation of Phased Retirement

Explanation of Phased Retirement PHASED RETIREMENT DEFINITION: Phased Retirement is a human resources tool that allows employees to continue working on a part-time basis while receiving a part-time retirement annuity. Participants receive additional service credit towards their full retirement. Participants also begin receiving their retirement annuity payments consistent with the payments they would otherwise beRead… Read more »

DHS Hacker Threat Info Unveiled

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Did you ever play the game telephone as a kid? It was one of my favorite games, because no matter how hard you tried, the message always got muddled somewhere along the way. Messages from government leaders can also run the risk of a telephone esq misunderstanding. We look at someRead… Read more »

8 Books to Read This Summer

With mobile technology, 24/7 news coverage, Twitter, Facebook, Buzzfeed, iPhones, and other constant updates, sometimes we just need to stop and reflect. Take a breath. Really, take a breath. Sometimes you gain the most by slowing down and reading a good book. Holding something tangible in your hands to read shouldn’t be obsolete, but aRead… Read more »

Most and Least Sustainable Agencies in Gov

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Security clearances were granted or approved for roughly 83,000 Department of Defense (DOD) and employee contractors who together owe more than $730 million in federal tax debt, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office. We find out how they discovered the missing tax payments. You can find all ofRead… Read more »