
Composting Equipment

In honor of Earth Day, I’m passing along a video that was sent to us at work from Envirocycle. The company makes a composter that looks like a barrel. The operation seems fairly simple. To place the compost, I imagine you could just roll the container to where you need to dump the material. TheRead… Read more »

How Gov’t Agencies Can Build Audience and Increase Engagement

Happy Friday all! Here are 10 steps for Gov’t agencies to build audience: 1. Identify2. Logistics3. Define success4. Enlist5. Experts & Partners6. Community Strategy7. Content Strategy8. Launch9. Start doing10. Measure Here are 6 proven tips to increase engagement: 1. Connect2. Educate3. Empower4. Energize5. Enhance6. Enforce Want to learn more? Check out this presentation that detailsRead… Read more »

Idaho Governor blocks federal health care reform

Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter issued an executive order yesterday that prohibits the state from receiving federal funding for any initiatives outlined under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The Order uses portions of a bill approved by the legislature earlier this year that sought to nullify federal health care reform requirements inRead… Read more »

Military Transition: Military Resume Tricks Rant

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Strategist. I recently have begun hearing again that some employment counselors are telling transitioning military folks to omit their military service information and/or titles. Instead they suggest one use words like “major international organization vice-president.” This was a sad trend after the Vietnam war, driven by popular talkRead… Read more »

How old government data could give rise to new service delivery models

I recently spent some time researching the proactive disclosure of federal grants and contributions in Canada; here are some of my key findings about how the data is presented: Each department publishes their own G&C data (i.e. there is no single repository) The actual path to the endpoint data varies considerably across the landscape DespiteRead… Read more »