
The Zen of Cultural Change

It is time to move from creating a more open government to sustaining open government. Yes, there is a lot more work to do in making agencies on all levels of government are releasing their data and becoming transparent. Governments have successfully picked the low-hanging fruit of opening up their datasets. It’s now time toRead… Read more »

Flood Recovery in the UK

Dr Rebecca Whittle from Lancaster University will speak on “Flood Recovery in the UK” at University of Western Australia, in Perth, 4pm 19 April 2011.In June 2007, the English city of Hull was devastated by flooding which displaced over 8000 families from their homes. A real-time longitudinal study was undertaken to document the long termRead… Read more »

Neurophysiotherapy Medical Scans To Diagnose PTSD in Veterans and Servicemembers: PhysioSympath, Gary J Maguire, PT, MSPT

Problem: U.S. Army Soldiers are enduring unyielding high operational tempo in garrison and the combat field of operations in order to keep pace with ongoing wartime mission requirements. The high tempo and increasingly common multiple deployments present many human physical and psychological challenges (Military Health Advisory Team IV (MHAT-IV), 2006; MHAT-V, 2008) that have aRead… Read more »

ICT in the Australian Curriculum

The Australian Council for Computers in Education released an “ACCE Position Paper on ICT in the Australian Curriculum”, 16 April 2011. The report argues that ICT will be required for students to be successful in their studies, as well as citizens and workers. ACCE therefore propose ICT appear in its own right in the nationalRead… Read more »

Notes from the Microsoft Mobile Citizen Summit: All Sessions

These are draft notes – please excuse typos. Plenary Dan Kasun, Microsoft Public Sector Key Points: Leveraging technology to make government better and more efficient is to advance ideals of freedom and democracy Time has never been better for mobile computing – we have reached a state in the business where the network is almostRead… Read more »

More on micro-participation

There was an interesting response to my post on micro-participation, in a number of spaces – which goes to show the value in seeding your content on sites other than your own! The most active conversation was on GovLoop where the concept of micro-participation seemed to strike a chord with many people. Even better, itRead… Read more »

Internal communications teacamp

Another event-pimping guest post, this time from Sharon O’Dea. Contrary to popular belief, webbies aren’t always glued to their screens and hidden away in dank basements. They love to get out and about and network with their peers. It all began with UKGovCamp, a one-day event for public sector digital types. These events – nowRead… Read more »