
BusMeister Game and Application on-line

BusMeister, a public transport application (game, forum, best practices library) I’ve been developing is ready … I would be interested in getting feedback from the govloop community. My goal is to use the game to teach non-professionals about public transportation and then encourage them to post ideas for how to improve their city’s public transportRead… Read more »

Happy One Year Anniversary! A Year of Progress in Open Government

Though it’s being overshadowed by the budget discussions this week, it’s important to note (and celebrate!) that today (April 7th) is the one year anniversary of Agency Open Government Plans. Just one year ago, almost 30 plans were released from cabinet-level and independent Agencies that detailed how they would become more: Transparent in their work;Read… Read more »

I Got Furlough Fever, and the Only Prescription is….

More cowbell !! No, not really. Look, there’s a lot of emotion in the Federal employee community right now. We want to protest (WP: Fed workers protest shutdown). We have a million questions (GovLoop: Ask About the Shutdown). We want to get practical (GovLoop: Preshutdown Top 10 ToDo List).  We’re thinking ahead (GovLoop: WhatRead… Read more »

Mission Essential Personnel Sponsors Center For A New American Security Annual Conference

Chantilly, VA – Mission Essential Personnel, LLC (MEP) today announced that it is the platinum sponsor of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) annual conference. This year CNAS will examine how the United States can manage global risk and seize opportunities in a time of growing economic constraint. The event will take placeRead… Read more »

Shutdown Delay Equals a Second Chance for Contractors

Authored by GovWin’s Lindley Ashline If you’re a government contractor, the two-week continuing resolution passed by Congress this week to temporarily prevent a government shutdown is a second chance to prepare for the consequences such a shutdown would bring. Experts at today’s GovWin.com Instant Webinar, “Surviving a Government Shutdown,” shared some background on how shutdownsRead… Read more »