
The Federal Coach: How Do You Manage Someone Who Wanted Your Job?

This week’s question is how to manage someone who also applied for your manager’s position. Please continue to share your ideas and suggestions for the column by commenting below and by sending in your questions to the [email protected]. How do you manage someone who wanted your job? –Federal manager (GS-13) from the U.S. Census BureauRead… Read more »

Simpl – the Social Innovation Marketplace – is open for business

Today is an important day for me and my colleagues, because today Simpl, the Social Innovation Marketplace, opens its doors to the world. Simpl is a website that enables people in government agencies to source innovative ideas for improving public services, and rather than being a funding platform, the marketplace is all about the exchangeRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Invaluable Internships

At many schools, internships have become a required part of the college curriculum. It’s easy to understand why; no class project or case study is ever going to be as valuable as hands-on experience. Many students have very specific career goals – often knowing exactly where they want to work. An internship gives them aRead… Read more »

POPVOX, jets, investigation no fiesta, Microsoft’s journey and more Tuesday political law links

POPVOX. As usual, e.politics enlightens with a link to a piece about a new tool for eadvocacy called PopVox. JETS ON THE TARMAC. The Times reports. “Once a candidacy is official during primary season, and travel requirements become far greater, campaigns usually start with small chartered jets, ‘like a Lear 35 or a Citation II,’Read… Read more »

Next Generation Learning

The last speaker for the day at CCA-EDUCAUSE Australasia 2011 in Sydney was Diana Oblinger, President of Educause, on “Next Generation Learning”. She pointed out that the US and Austrlaian goals for increased participation in post secondary education will require courses to be provided for people had not expected to do them. To me thatRead… Read more »

How Engaged Are Your Meeting Participants?

I arrived early for a business meeting the other day. The meeting had been scheduled well in advance and the list of participants included about a dozen team members. When the scheduled start time had arrived, there were just two of us in the room. Over the course of the next ten minutes, the otherRead… Read more »