
Georgia launches $19.4 million education innovation fund

Georgia is launching a $19.4 million education innovation fund to award grants to partnerships between local education entities businesses and nonprofit organizations that develop innovative programs for students. The fund was created with the help of a federal grant awarded through Georgia’s Race to the Top (RT3) plan. The Innovation Fund will provide competitive grantsRead… Read more »

EMC’s acquisition of NetWitness means many virtuous/positive things for the community

NetWitness is a company we have been tracking for quite a while. The firm had roots in the mission needs of federal enterprises with sensitive information protection needs. Its intellectual property and visionary team combined made quite a contribution to network defense. We watched as the firm moved from a beginning in forensics to aRead… Read more »

Govloop Bracket Winners and National Championship Pick (Men’s NCAA Division One Basketball Finals) from the @hokieguru, your bureacrat on sports!!

Good morning, Govloopers… here’s your daily government shutdown update… looks like it’s going to be touch and go. I think we will make it, though, and the government should operate until the end of Fiscal Year 2011. The next battles will be the Fiscal 2012 appropriations process, a vote to extend the budget debt ceiling,Read… Read more »

Was IT Really Worth It? The ROI Report Card for Government IT Projects

One problem for IT Directors is how to judge the success and failure of their IT deployments and how to calculate return on investment (ROI) for technology. Because government does things due to law, rule and regulation, it is required to undertake some tasks and this clouds the issue for how to gauge the valueRead… Read more »

Iyengar on Free Access to Law in India

Prashant Iyengar of Alternative Law Forum and the Center for Internet and Society, has posted the abstract of his 2010 report on free access to law in India, entitled Free Access to Law: Is It Here to Stay? India, Country Report (July 2010), on SSRN. Here is the abstract: Sometime in early 2008, Sushant Sinha,Read… Read more »

Aphorism 49

One of the myths of command and control is that those who issue commands believe they have control. Stephen Parry (via Ben Taylor) Original post